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罚款的威胁也无济于事。Threats of massive fines have gone unheeded.

我的花篮空着,花儿我也没有去理睬。My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

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因此,不能再对“炒房团”的行为听之任之。Therefore, no longer on the "Real's" acts go unheeded.

但被人们渐渐的忽视得是,他们的国家主权被削弱了。But the implications for the weakening of national sovereignty went unheeded.

但是在计算机设计业界中,这个警告似乎并没有受到重视。But in the computer design industry, it seems, this warning has gone unheeded.

他的警告未获注意,因此塔吉于死星爆炸时丧命。His warnings went unheeded , and Tagge died when the Death Star was destroyed.

上帝一直派先知警告百姓,但先知的话都被当成耳边风。All the while, God was sending prophets to warn them, but their warnings went unheeded.

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噢,不久之后,这失去心识的身体将躺在大地,就像无用的木头般被丢弃。Ere long, alas! this body will lie upon the earth, unheeded and lifeless, like a useless log.

不过,他的话似乎成了耳边风,他的敌人根本不理他的话,继续做坏事。It appears, however, that his words went unheeded , for his foes continued in their wickedness.

为了所犯下的错,在不受重视之下,你们必须去敲那受神眷顾之人的门,而等候片刻。And for that wrong committed must you knock and wait a while unheeded at the gate of the blessed.

莲花开放的那天,唉,我不自觉地心魂飘荡。我的花篮空着,花儿我也没有去理睬。On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying and I know it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

莲花开放那天,唉,我的思绪飘零,却不知缘由。我空着花篮,冷落了花儿。On the day when the Lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

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莲花开放的那天,唉,我不自觉地在心魂飘荡。我的花篮空着,花儿我也没有去理睬。On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

莲花开放的那天,唉,我不自觉地在心魂飘荡。我的花篮空著,花儿我也没有去理睬。On the day when the lotus bloomed, alas, my mind was straying, and I knew it not. My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

所有的证据都指出一个事实,那就是这样的警告将会被大部分的环保人士所遗忘。All evidence in this room points to the fact that this warning will continue to go unheeded by the majority of environmentalist campaigners.

特侦组只听命陈聪明,王清峰则是君命有所不受,部长难道就一筹莫展?The Special Investigation Unit listens only to Chen Tsung-ming. Wang Ching-feng's wishes go unheeded. Does a Minister of Justice count for nothing?

但是这些古训没有得到重视,这些门将要从房东的家里消失,被拿到古玩市场换取一点点金钱。But, this ancient advice will remain unheeded and the doors will only be removed from their home just before it is destroyed and sold on some market for a profit.

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如果不听劝阻,继续在这里肆意妄为,对我们的领导和邳州人民进行言语攻击,那么你将受到法律的严厉制裁。If the advice goes unheeded , and wanton disregard continues, of attacks against our leaders and the people of Pizhou, then you will be subject to severe legal sanctions.

但能源和粮食价格窜升使得通胀忧虑再度升温,部分联储官员警告称任由物价上涨时间太久,将会是非常危险的.But skyrocketing prices for energy and food have sent inflation warning lights flashing, and some Fed officials have warned of the dangers of leaving price increases unheeded for too long.