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什么是神经障碍?What are neurological disorders?

宗教就是神经错乱。I think religion is a neurological disorder.

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本体感受性试验是一种神经学检查。Proprioception is a kind of neurological test.

流感疫苗及其神经学并发症Influenza vaccines and neurological complications

一个神经科专家在一个神经学上的问题上错了?。The neurologist is wrong about a neurological problem.

许多儿童具有神经损害的征象。Many children are showing evidence of neurological damage.

如果孩子侥幸活下来,长期的神经损伤已经造成了。If the child survives, long-term neurological damage can occur.

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西尼罗河病毒能够引起人类致命性神经系统疾病。West Nile virus can cause a fatal neurological disease in humans.

同时我也对神经学与MRI颇感兴趣。At the same time I have the MRI and neurological quite interested.

NIHSS评定的神经功能缺损范围最大。The range of neurological defect as NIHSS evaluate was the widest.

亨德拉病毒可能导致致命的呼吸道和神经系统疾病。Hendra virus can cause fatal respiratory and neurological diseases.

他们没有一个有了了一个听觉的或神经学疾病的病史。None of them had a history of audiological or neurological disease.

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我告诉他我并不完全认同神经性研究的无用性。I tell him I don't entirely accept the futility of neurological studies.

偏头痛是随着年龄发作率递减的神经系统疾病之一。Migraines are one of the few neurological disorders to subside with age.

这是格莱斯顿神经疾病研究所的网页。This is the web page of the Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease.

癫痫是一种影响所有年龄人群的慢性神经疾患。Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that affects people of all ages.

另一人呈现异常的渐进性致命神经系统疾病。Another person demonstrated an unusual, progressive fatal neurological illness.

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毛样毛样病在儿科病人是很罕见的神经学疾病。Moyamoya disease is a neurological disease rarely seen in children outside Japan.

目的总结神经内科危重病人气管切开术后的护理。Objective To sum up the critical care of neurological patients after tracheotomy.

现在的研究对这个现象给出了神经科学的解释。The current study, however, offers a neurological explanation for this phenomenon.