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你厌倦了一尘不变的自来水吗?Tired of that same old monotonous water?

黑色带你进入单调的世界。Black takes you to enter the monotonous world.

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单调的工作节奏快把逼疯了。The monotonous rhythm of the job is driving him crazy.

撒谎者会省去代名词,并且以一个音调说话。A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone.

撒谎者会省去代名词,并且以一个音调说话。A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonous tone.

在萧索单调的冬季里,人们总是在盼望着春天。Monotonous in the winter, people always look forward to spring.

赵峰表示,军营生活并不单调。According to Zhao, life in military campsites is not monotonous.

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中国人的感情生活崇尚多味,避忌单一。Chinese advocate rich and varied affective life avoiding the monotonous.

本来美好的一天,就因为这鬼天气而变得单调。It was a beautiful day, because the ghost weather and become monotonous.

一些相同的老嗜好年复一年地以单调的规律重现。Thesame old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.

我们的文章提交者都可以做你的工作手册和单调的。Our article submitter can do all of the manual and monotonous jobs for you.

六言诗的音节比较单调、板滞、舒缓。Six-character poem syllables are comparatively monotonous , stiff, leisurely.

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单调地在砾石路上往来蹀躞,正适合艾丽西亚的心情。The monotonous walk up and down the gravelled pathway suited Alicia's humour.

他们讨厌千篇一律的生活或做重复单调的事。They simply hate living a monotonous life and doing the same everyday things.

他会翻开圣经,用沧桑而又单调的声音引述上面的经文。He opens the Bible and quotes from it in a strong but old and monotonous voice.

车轮碾过路轨发出的单调“咔嗒”声,很快催人入睡。The monotonous rhythm of wheels clicking on the trails soon lulls you to sleep.

他开始以单调及知识性的方式,谈论他的父亲。He started to talk in a monotonous and intellectualizing manner about his father.

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一段时间空闲是令人愉快的,整日无所事事可能就单调乏味了。To be idle sometimes is agreeable, but to be idle all the time might become monotonous.

一个作家在写作时,如果总是用相同的笔触,那他的作品就会变得单调乏味。Often when a writer writes with the same persona all the time, they get very monotonous.

对于年轻的步兵,和平,单调生活的巡逻基地可以成为大失所望。For young infantrymen , the peaceful, monotonous life on the patrol base can be a letdown.