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不教胡马渡阴山。Crossing this mountain no Tartar would dare.

从头开始俄罗斯,你会发现一个鞑。Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tartar.

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是塔塔酱与酸辣酱的主要成分。Constituent of tartar sauce and many chutneys.

牙垢可引起蛀牙,如果不通过抛光去除牙齿。Tartar can cause tooth decay if not removed by polishing teeth.

酒石形成于酒的发酵桶的内侧。Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented.

李母气的直哆嗦,埋怨李冬青找回来个泼妇。Shaking with lee mother angry blame dong-qing li to find a tartar.

他在乐器店看上了一个做工精细的筚篥。He took a fancy to a nice Tartar pipe in a musical instrument shop.

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含HCS亮白配方,有助洁白牙齿,祛除牙垢。With HCS white formula will help clean teeth, eliminate the tartar.

炸成金黄色的鱼柳片配塔塔酱和薯条。Golden-fried fillet of fish served with tartar sauce and French fries.

您还应该检查他的牙齿可以肯定的是没有酒石建设。You should also check his teeth to be sure there is no tartar buildup.

每个晚上清楚牙垢不过是几秒钟的事,然而它的作用却非常大。Every clear night tartar is a matter of a few seconds, but its role is very big.

它经常和酒石霜混合,这是一种用于烹饪的常见的粉末物质。It is often mixed with cream of tartar , a fine powder commonly used in cooking.

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将蛋白和塔塔粉放在一个大碗里,打至起泡。Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl and whisk until frothy.

鞑靼人变阵是通过旗帜的降低来表示,就像海事信号。Tartar evolutions are indicated by flags which are lowered, like marine signals.

当硬化的牙垢将需要您的牙科专业删除。When it hardens, the tartar will need to be removed by your dental professional.

把80克的明矾与7克的酒石乳用少量的热水混合在一起。Mix 80 grams alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water.

如果噬菌斑因为没有良好的口腔卫生而留在牙齿中,它将会升入牙垢当中。If plaque isn't removed promptly with proper oral hygiene, it hardens into tartar.

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他经常被和被用于做饭的酒石流和粉混在一起。It is often makes with cream of tartar and a fine powder commonly used in cooking.

控制牙垢的牙膏对于很快形成牙垢的人是很有用的。Tartar-control toothpastes are useful for people who tend to build up tartar quickly.

只要按时,并用正确的方式刷牙,您就能让您的牙齿远离牙菌斑和牙垢聚积的烦恼。Can help prevent plaque build-up and tartar deposits with regular and proper brushing.