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电视往往渲染暴力。Television tends to glamorize acts of violence.

报纸经常美化电影明星的生活。The newspapers often glamorize the lives of film stars.

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要现实一些,注意不要去美化自己的选择。Be realistic and be careful not to glamorize the alternative.

事实上,大家还在努力把罪美化,让它更受欢迎。In fact, there is a definite attempt to popularize and glamorize sin.

在亚洲,一个演员的吸引力可以使一部电影大放异彩,章子怡就是一个好例子。In Asia, an actor's allure can glamorize art films as well as mainstream fare.

我们告诉这些孩子,但是他们阴沉的骆驼是坏美化、纵容酗酒。We tell these kids that Joe Camel is bad for them but glamorize and condone alcohol.

文化部日前发布通知,要求各地立即查处运营或宣传“黑帮”主题网络游戏的网站。The Ministry of Culture has banned websites featuring or publicizing online games which glamorize mafia gangs.

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中国文化部发布通知要求各地立即查处运营或宣传“黑帮”主题网络游戏的网站。China's Ministry of Culture has banned websites featuring or publicizing online games which glamorize mafia gangs.

媒体披露这些图片,意在美化贫穷,却不想想为什么这些人养不活还要拼命生?The media wants to glamorize poverty by showing such pictures but never takes cognizance as to why these people are producing what they can't manage?

他谈到有些人如何美化那些与社会格格不入的人,而为了捍卫被这些坏分子滥用的自由,我们的精英们却牺牲在亚洲的稻田里。He spoke of how some people glamorize the criminal misfits of society while the best men die in Asian rice paddies to preserve the freedoms that those misfits abuse.

现在,吸烟成为所有电影制造中的考虑因素,除了包含历史上著名或是给人以舒适感的片段以外,便是那些美化吸烟的场景或是对吸烟特写的电影会被评予较高级别。Now, all smoking will be considered and depictions that glamorize smoking or movies that feature pervasive smoking outside of an historic or other mitigating context may receive a higher rating.