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这个故事代表着完美的友谊和相互依存的关系。It 's a tale of perfect camaraderie and of co-dependence.

其结果营造了一种充满忘我、热烈和关爱的共有文化。The result is a shared culture of fandom, commentary, and camaraderie.

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我的伙伴麦克达德也正在训练,所以我感到有些羡慕和挑战。And my buddy McDade was doing it, so I felt some camaraderie and competition.

互助友爱的宿舍文化已经一去不复返了。The old hostel culture of camaraderie and socializing among students is gone.

那些把信塞入门缝的男人之间,真的有一种特别的同志情谊吗?Was there a special camaraderie among men who put letters through the holes in doors?

除了对学习的热爱,尔玛呆在这里的理由还有她和同学的友情。Besides her love of learning, Aniu stays here for the camaraderie of her fellow students.

犹太社区提供众多男性友谊成长的机会。Jewish communal life provides many opportunities for male friendship and camaraderie to grow.

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我真的很怀恋交易时的同志关系以及那种仅属于少数人的归属感。I really miss the camaraderie when trading and also the sense of belonging to an exclusive few.

会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home.

这位南洋大学理学院毕业生,始终对昔日母校同窗情谊念兹在兹。The Science graduate from Nanyang University devotes time to promoting camaraderie among its alumni.

整个球队有深厚的战友情,每个人都笑得很开心,各种逗乐。There is a real camaraderie amongst all of the players. Everyone has a laugh and the banter is great.

这一次,更强大更自信的中国发出和解与亚洲友情的信息。This time, a stronger, more confident China is sending messages of conciliation and Asian camaraderie.

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诺伍德也披露了球队中的团结和对胜利的渴望。Norwood also revealed there is real desire amongst his team-mates and great camaraderie at Old Trafford.

他一辈子都在工人阶级环境里生活,对劳动者的同志情谊已是他的第二天性。He had lived all his life in the working- class world, and the CAMARADERIE of labor was second nature with him.

相互尊重、友情和雄心都激励着两人紧密合作,并最终取得商业上的成功。Mutual respect, camaraderie and ambition have encouraged the two to stick together and achieve business success.

出租车司机在驾车时亮起,并作为象征性的友情,有时手掏出香烟给乘客。Taxi drivers light up when they drive and sometimes hand out cigarettes to passengers as a token of camaraderie.

当你这么多年来与同事一同受训,与他们轮班,身上会有一种忠诚感和同志情谊。There is a sense of loyalty and camaraderie when you’ve trained with guys, you’ve done shifts with them for years.

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不要误会,我是个群居动物,也热爱和我共事的人,一群人一起旅行还可培养感情。Don't get me wrong I am a social animal and love the people I work with and there is camaraderie in traveling as a group.

大规模以及同为国有的性质是的中国五大国有银行瓜分了政府大型项目的有利贷款。Size and state-sector camaraderie allow China’s big five state banks to carve up lucrative loans for big government projects.

不过我在北京街头的第一次冒险时,我发现我的外国同仁们根本不会出于友好而和我打个简单的招呼。But during my first venture onto Beijing’s streets, I noticed that my fellow foreigners didn’t simply refrain from camaraderie.