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神奇望远镜揭示宇宙新瑰奇Awesome telescope sheds new light on cosmos

我们的世界仅仅是宇宙的一小部分而已。Our world is but a small part of the cosmos.

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对宇宙毁灭性的制造空间垃圾。Destructively make room garbage to the cosmos.

宇宙正在创造一切的详情显示!The Show's Datails of Cosmos Is Createing All!

天坛的建筑反映了宇宙的规律。The Temple of Heaven reflects an ordered cosmos.

宇宙具有严整的秩序,圆满的和谐。The cosmos has solemn order and orbicular harmony.

宇宙中有一个从优参照系。There exists in the cosmos a preferred frame of reference.

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对于无限的宇宙,“热寂说”不成立。The theory of heat death is invalid for the infinite cosmos.

此十千宇宙在颤动、抖动、震动。And this ten- thousandfold cosmos shivered &quivered &quaked.

此十千宇宙在颤动、抖动、震动。And this ten-thousandfold cosmos shivered & quivered & quaked.

通宏、微两极观之,整个宇宙存在都是“圆”的。In macroscopic and microscopic views the whole cosmos is round.

提莫西•费里斯已经在十几本书里探索了宇宙。Timothy Ferris has explored the cosmos in a dozen popular books.

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他在人类的宇宙前景上这个问题上,是一位重要的思考者。He is one of our key thinkers on the future of humanity in the cosmos.

神不仅是造物者,更是造就了世间万物的一切规则。God is not only the Creator but also the One who rules over the cosmos.

“夜鹰”便是抗联一团指导员黄秋英。The nighthawk is anti-japan union calls a instructor cosmos sulphureus.

这种威胁来自于外部世界或我们的内心和谐。The threat can come from the outside world or from our own inner cosmos.

法律本体秩序要求法律应当具有完整性、确定性和一致性。Essence cosmos of law should have integrality, determinacy and consistency.

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卡巴拉需要这些生命树的四棵,每棵为宇宙各自的世界。The Kabbala requires four of these Trees, one for each world of the cosmos.

“宏宇宙”于游戏王卡是任何不同尺寸甲板肉。The "Macro Cosmos" Yu-Gi-Oh card is the meat of any Different Dimension deck.

甘乃迪说,“柏拉图与古希腊哲学家们深信音乐乃是解开数学与宇宙的钥匙。”Plato and the Greeks believed music was the key to mathematics and the cosmos.