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更是一个尊敬问题。but also an honorific question.

尊敬的朋友,很高兴见到您!Honorific friend, i am glad to see you!

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在此种场合下,太尉是作为武人的尊称。In such occasions, Qiu as Taketo the honorific.

一些动词有专门的敬语动词。Some verbs have the corresponding honorific verb.

日语的敬语是学习日语的难点之一。Japanese honorific is Extremely difficult to study.

现在它又出现在对他自己表示尊敬的宣言上。Yet here it was, cropping up in his own honorific declaration.

尊敬的用户感谢你们选择了我公司的产品。Honorific customer Thanked you to choose the product of my company.

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其实,我们更加应该去尊敬的是那些失败的人。In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of failures.

就是用八抬大轿,都别想把他请来。You can't get him, not even in the most honorific manner of invitation.

日语敬语学习一直是困扰中国学习者的难点。The Japanese honorific is always the difficult point for Chinese learners.

他会摆出一副冷若冰霜的样子,并不断使用“阁下”这种尊称。His use of the honorific "sir" would multiply while he assumed a glacial demeanor.

韩国语的助词和敬语很发达,这是韩国语语法的一大特点。The particle and honorific of Korean are well-developed, which is a Korean grammar feature.

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谦辞敬语是典型的社交指示语,敬称和谦称也是其中的一部分。Modest and honorific is a typical social deixis, which includes modest title, honorific title.

用于讲法语地区的一个尊称,尤指称呼王子和高级教士。Used as an honorific in French-speaking areas, especially as accorded to princes and prelates.

尊敬的客户,一旦收到您的留言,我们将尽快给您答复!Honorific customer, once receiving your message, we will give you the reply as soon as possible!

“请”不表示实在意义,是敬辞,不构成兼语结构。Please" is only a honorific. It has no real meaning and doesn' t form the concurrent structure."

这其中一个重要原因就是因为日语中存在比汉语复杂得多的敬语。One of the reasons that matters is an honorific which is more complicated in Japanese than in Chinese.

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他用日文敬语以表示他的谦逊态度和您光临本公司的重要意义。He's using honorific Japanese in order to show his own humility and the importance of you visit to our company.

在印度,有时候会为女性冠上这个尊敬的称呼,它也可以指整个印度的地方女神。It is sometimes used as an honorific title for women, and it may also refer to local female divinities throughout India.

此外,它必须使用以听众为中心的敬语、易懂的简单语、排除传播者主观思想的客观语等特点。The others, broadcast language must use honorific briefness and understand words, and it must let audiences be the center.