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他连胜三场比赛。He won three successive matches.

灾祸连年。Calamity occurs in successive years.

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它在观察连续的数对,对吧?It's looking at successive pairs, right?

你可以连夺三次冠军。You can win three successive championships.

将连续的贝塞尔曲线绘制到屏幕。Draws the successive Bézier curves to the screen.

密码分析中的一组三个连续字母。In cryptanalysis, a triple of successive letters.

之后,这一种族的两支后裔又开始从中东出发并向东进发。From there, two successive migrations headed east.

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他二周内经受了四次连续手术。He underwent four successive operations in two weeks.

然后,它对后面的每一行重复这些步骤。It then repeated these steps for each successive line.

连续切片见内皮层有剥脱现象。Successive section sees endoderm has exfoliate phenomenon.

接着,他天天带上那小玫瑰纽上街,一连跑了八天。Then he went out for eight successive days with his rosette.

历代评李诗“清新警拔”、“清逸精深”。Successive evaluation Chi "fresh police pull", "Seiitsu deep.

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连续的暴雨使桥身受损,这座桥已不再安全。Weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no longer safe.

连续晴天,杭州玉兰花盛开。The successive sunny days brings the blooming of Yulan Flower.

它看到了不同的剖面,将它们称为历史It sees successive cross-sections, and it calls that "history."

它看到了不同的剖面,将它们称为历史“It sees successive cross-sections, and it calls that "history."

继而读下面的每一段落的首句。Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph.

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这是连续的第三次夏日大型反印度抗议。This is the third successive summer of big anti-Indian protests.

连分数方法是一种逐步逼近的数值计算方法。The link-fraction approach is a kind of successive approximation.

老市长在一个月内经历了4次连续的手术。The old mayor underwent four successive operations within a month.