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这是一个似是而非的伪问题。This is a specious puppet.

又用似是而非、伪善的借口。And, with pretexts specious and hypocritical.

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这些话实际上毫无根据,似是而非的。Such talk is actually specious and groundless.

这样的比较明显地华而不实,而且自私自利。Such comparisons are obviously specious and self-serving.

这首歌以所有的男人都是一样的具体结论结尾。The song ended with a specious conclusion that all men are the same.

其实,仔细分析就知道这两点都似是而非。In fact, a careful analysis of these two points will know all specious.

宫调溶溶,谛观浮华岁月的无尽苍凉。Melodious tunes, gaze into the endless desolation under the cope of specious ages.

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他用似是而非的遁词为他的教义作辩护,说政治家必须象世人那样活著。He fences his doctrines with the specious plea that statesmen must live as the world lives.

老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。Old building was torn open, old friend broadcast, the detail in memory is more and more specious.

客房宽大、舒适,空气新鲜,有宽敞带顶的阳台,间间面向大海。Rooms are commodious, comfortable and airy, each with a specious roofed balcony overlooking the sea.

至于说什么中国人特别喜欢IM,美国人不喜欢,我觉得这些都是似是而非的说法。As to say what Chinese likes IM particularly, american does not like, I feel these are specious views.

Piccinini阐释了她所称之为的“人工与自然之间似是而非的区别”。Piccinini explores what she calls the 'often specious distinctions between the artificial and the natural'.

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采用全波带法分析单缝衍射得出的一个似是而非的结论进行剖析。The specious conclusion drawn from single-seam diffraction by means of whole wave band analysis is dissected.

巴勒斯坦应该和以色列一样获得国家地位。This is barmy. The argument that the Palestinians must resume negotiations before getting statehood is specious.

采用薄层色谱分离-分光光度法测定大叶紫薇叶中的总三萜含量。The procedure of thin layer chromatography-spectrophotometry analysis of total triterpene in Lagerstroemia specious L.

千万不能假借上午驾车出游,到当维尔玩一两个小时的机会,引得伍德豪斯先生受罪。Woodhouse must not, under the specious pretence of a morning drive, and an hour or two spent at Donwell, be tempted away to his misery.

对发展商来说,可以通过担保公司的工作将过去许多不属于发展商的、似是而非的责任剔出。To the developers, through the work of the past many security companies do not belong to the developer, specious responsibility himself.

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你也许会感到疑惑遗留的化石专家怎么可能通过看似华而不实的借口的牙齿来追踪后裔呢?而这些借口却又是整个家族的荣誉所在。You may wonder how the expert on fossil remains is able to trace descent through teeth, which seem specious pegs upon which to hang whole ancestries.

采用薄层色谱分离-分光光度法测定大叶紫薇叶中的总三萜含量。The procedure of thin layer chromatography-spectrophotometry analysis of total triterpene in Lagerstroemia specious L. leaf was investigated in this paper.

因此我们把滋阴清热,养血润燥作为主要治疗法则,即所谓“顾正似是而非需养胃存津,化邪但需润肺化燥”。So we Ziyin Qingre, nourishing Runzao as the main treatment rules, the so-called "Gu is specious to Yangwei of Tianjin, the evil of the subject Runfei dry."