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作为一个地道的美国人你干得真不赖。As a crass american you do a good job.

是纯粹的偶然遮住了阳光雨露。Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain.

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克拉斯在点煤气灯,冷得直抖。Crass shivered with cold as he lit the gas-jets.

不久前,我查了查单词crass一些新近的用法。I went looking for recent usages of the word crass.

连杆为合金钢铸件,十字头为球墨铸铁。Connection rod and crass head is alloy-casting pieces.

对我而言,这条帖子本身就是一个稍显粗鲁的表述。That in itself seems to me to be a slightly crass statement.

这也有部分原因是由于反对党的一意孤行和毫不让步。Part of the problem is crass intransigence by the opposition.

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他们仿佛以他们的愚钝的重商主义名声为自豪。They seem to glory in their reputation for crass commercialism.

也许,你并不会惊讶于一个虚情假意的推销员说了一些愚蠢而没有同情心的话。You might not be surprised if a greasy salesman said something crass.

这是一个为许多中国人熟知的娜姆,一个因其不羁言行而出名的人。This is the Namu familiar to many Chinese, a crass celebrity famous for her fame.

克拉斯大约三十八岁,中等身材,身体很结实。Crass was about thirty-eight years of age, rather above middle height and rather stout.

对此,一条帖子回复道,把著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃是愚蠢的。to which one comment replied that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement.

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绵羊是一种愚钝没有思想的动物,它们的很多行为直接导致了当地生态环境的毁灭。Sheep are crass unthinking creatures and they've done a lot to destroy the local habitat.

然而在着所有祥和的记忆中,伍德斯托克也带来了种种原始的冲动。Yet for all the benign memories, Woodstock also set in motion other, more crass impulses.

懒惰的人太多的可支配收入购买黄金从他们的表现粗鲁消费。Lazy people with too much disposable income buy gold from them in a show of crass consumerism.

这是革命英雄精神对上西方消费主义的愚蠢烙印。The heroic spirit of the revolution is confronted with the crass branding of western commercialism.

即使是在相当粗糙的电视广告里展示一个人的失去时,我也不禁眼泪哗哗地流!Even rather crass television commer­cials that show someone in a state of loss start my tears flowing!

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依据新公式提出了异步轧制无摩擦峰新理论。Based on these new formulas, a new theory of friction- free hill in crass shear cold rolling is proposed.

实际上,某一些人说愚蠢而没有同情心的话——这只是他们的所作所为之一——反而会让你觉得他们像虚情假意的推销员。In fact, saying something crass would be one of the things that made you think they were a greasy salesman.

它给人可以追溯到永久的感觉,就像是互联网本身,但又足够新奇还感觉有些粗鲁。It's retrospectively permanent-feeling, like the internet itself, and yet novel enough to still feel crass.