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束起你们的腰。Gird your loins.

给你美丽的肢体披上盔甲。And gird thy beauteous limbs with steel.

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大卫准备就绪,出去与巨人歌利亚交战。David gird up his loins and go out to meet the giant goliath.

勇士的弓都已折断,跌倒的人以力量束腰The bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble gird on strength.

负疚感又来了,但这只会有利我瘦身。The guilt has begun to kick in but it merely serves to gird my loins.

大家要拿出拼命精神,不许后退一步,要战胜秦军。Gird yourselves to defy death, do not give one step. Defeat the Qin army!

大能者阿,愿你腰间佩刀,大有荣耀和威严。Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.

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我就照上主的话去买了根麻带,束在腰间。Now, gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you.

青年男子戴藤项圈、银项圈,赤足,身佩长刀。Young men wear cane neck rings or silver neck rings, bare feet and gird long swords.

周末之前有很多辛苦的活儿要干,我们准备好开始干吧。There's a lot of hard work to be done before the weekend, so let's gird up our loins and start.

充分利用下级单位的负荷预测结果,可以提高短期负荷预测精度。Taking full use of their results can improve short-term load forecasting accuracy of provincial gird.

通过粗纺织物的织物图、组织图及工艺,分析了千鸟格类织物的风格特点。The article introduces the character and style of swallow gird based on examples with photos and processing.

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论述了应用地质统计学法进行露天矿勘探网度优化的基本原理和方法。The basic theory and method of applying Geostatistical Methods in optimizing the exploration gird was discussed.

但未来几个月该国的石油公司自己可能必须准备昂贵腐蚀维修费用。But the country's oil companies may have to gird themselves for expensive corrosion repairs in the months to come.

你要行动起来!这样,你就能引导周围的人归向至为慈悲者的律法。Gird up the loins of thine endeavor, that haply thou mayest guide thy neighbor to the law of God, the Most Merciful.

本文提出了一种可以同时实现控制网格正交性和控制边界网格间距的BFC网格生成的新方法。In this paper, a new method is pro posed to generate the BFC gird with the adjustable boundary mesh intervals and orthogonality.

民主党已经在为明年11月的国会选举做准备。All this comes as Democrats gird to defend their majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate in elections next November.

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大卫吩咐约押和跟随他的众人说,你们当撕裂衣服,腰束麻布,在押尼珥棺前哀哭。And David said to Joab, and to all the people that were with him, Rend your clothes, and gird you with sackcloth, and mourn before Abner.

大卫对约押和跟随他的众人说,你们当撕裂衣服,腰束麻布,在押尼珥棺前哀哭。And david said to joab and to all the people who were with him tear your clothes and gird yourselves with sackcloth and mourn over abner.

正如这些胖人旅行者的在假日旅行中要碰到的诸多阻碍一样,加大的身板儿往往意味着加重的舟车之苦。And as the well-proportioned gird themselves for the hassles of holiday travel, plus-size travelers like me prepare for a plus-sized ordeal.