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伯爵已成为公爵的封臣。Earl has become a vassal of the Duke.

臣子向帝王呈递的意见书。The opinion book from the vassal to a lord.

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情愿干你那颗骄傲的心的仆隶。Thy proud heart's slave and vassal wretch to be.

而他,仅仅是中国大可汗的一个大臣而已。He, in turn, was vassal to the Great Khan of China.

一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

一个缅甸王子更新就任阿瓦的封臣。A Burmese prince was again installed as a vassal of Ava.

从一个附庸小国到独立的诸侯国,秦。From a vassal small to independent fiefdoms, qin dynasty.

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康奈尔大军臣服了达特茅斯国民军。Cornell's troops turned Dartmouth's militia into a vassal force.

犹太人可以仰仗上帝,就像奴隶可以依靠领主。Israel can rely on God, just as a vassal can rely on his suzerain.

平王便封他为诸侯,将陕西岐山以西的土地赐予他。Wang will be closed for his vassal to the west of Shaanxi Qishan land grant him.

明清时期,琉球是一个与中国关系极为密切的藩属国。In the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Ryukyu had close vassal relationship with China.

如果不制止她的话,大多数南亚的国家都会变成她的附属国。Most South East Asian nations will become her vassal states if she is not kept in check.

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那么,这个超级大国大概要对加拿大这个诸侯国强加不平等的贸易体系了。Well, then, the hyperpower must have imposed an unequal trade system on its vassal state.

成为大名希罗什的封臣确实是了不起的成就,但那远远不够。Becoming the vassal of the Daimyo Hiroshi is a definite improvement, but it is not enough.

第二年,六国诸侯订立了合纵的联盟。The following year, the six countries entered into a vassal of the Union combined vertical.

协定的反对者认为货币联盟会使法国沦为德国的附庸国。Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.

清初满洲政权的蒙古政策是满清藩部政策的缩影。The Mongolia policy of Manchu in the early Qing Dynasty is a miniature of its vassal policy.

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亚哈斯差遣使者去见亚述王提革拉毗列色,说,我是你的仆人,你的儿子。Ahaz sent messengers to say to Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria, 'I am your servant and vassal.

呵呵,高丽在明、凊、唐、宋时代一直是中国的属国,每个中国朝代都是你们的宗主。Hehe, Korea was a vassal country of Ming, Qing Tang Song, every chinese dynasty was your master.

然后就是一些规定,要求,对全体奴隶。Then we usually have some sort of set of stipulations and requirements, upon the vassal generally.