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只因我是个种族主义者。Just that I'm racist.

整个事情带有种族主义色彩。The whole thing is racist.

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足球流氓骚乱在波兰国内很普遍,他们大多属于右翼种族主义组织。Most belong to racist right-wing groups.

把国旗挥舞称为“种族主义者”是可笑的。Callingflag waving "racist" is laughable.

曼恩法案就是一部彻头彻尾的种族主义法案。The Mann Act is an inherently racist law.

这篇文章充满了种族主义的暗流。The article was full of racist undertones.

气死我了,我打赌那个评委是种族主义者,所以我才没有进。I'm so mad. I'll bet that judge was racist.

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枪支管制究竟带有什么样的种族主义色彩呢?In what bizarro world is gun control racist?

对我来说你明显就是个种族主义。It's obvious to me you're a racist and a bigot.

它是一个亲奴隶制的种族主义组织。Therefore it was a pro-slavery racist organization.

种族歧视的态度必须根除。Racist attitude had to be rubbished once and for all.

种族歧视的家伙,我一直以为你只喜欢白人。Racist. I thought you were only attracted to caucasians.

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我们是唯一能让种族歧视边缘化的人。We're the only ones who can marginalise racist attackers.

这就是为什么种族主义政治对国阵成员党来说很好。That is why the racist BN political party members, very good.

在种族主义者写的书中,煽动仇恨是主要的观点。Hatemongering is the predominant idea in the book by a racist.

这是一个无知的老家伙充满守旧的、种族主义的梦呓。It is the nostalgic and racist mumbles of an ignorant old man.

莫里西总是否认自己有任何种族主义的倾向。For his part Morrissey has always denied any racist tendencies.

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一位英国法官宣布其为反犹分子和种族主义者。He has been branded anti-Semitic and a racist by a British judge.

为什么禁止种族主义者或“仇恨”言论的法律不能成立?Why shouldn’t laws proscribing racist or “hate” speech be upheld?

我母亲是一个彻头彻尾的明显型种族主义者。My mother was a straight-up-and-down racist of a very marked kind.