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信靠是敬拜的行动,就好象孩子信靠父母的爱与智慧,父母就快乐。Trusting is an act of worship.

不要妒嫉,要信任。Avoid jealousy and be trusting.

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你开始更加信任他人。You start trusting people more.

爱意味着对我所爱的人付责任。Love means trusting the person I love.

我们如何知道以利沙在信靠神呢?How do we know Elisha was trusting God?

我有一个坚硬无比的信任你。I'm having an extremely hard time trusting you.

她天真无邪的表情使得我误信了她。Her innocent expression misled me into trusting her.

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惠尔永远是你值得信赖的合作伙伴。Huier is your partner which is worth trusting forever.

维持互信互爱关系乏力感Inability to maintain loving or trusting relationships

我重申对你的爱,坚信袮的引导。I renew my love for you, trusting in your guiding hand.

神人以利沙如何靠著神面对亚兰大军?How prophet Elisa face the army of Syria by trusting God?

这是因为他们非常信任分析员That's because, in a sense, they're trusting to analysts.

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艾德里安不相信其他人的意见。Adrian was not capable of trusting the opinions of others.

你能否把自己对于付出信任的所有贪爱都放下呢?And could you let go of your entire attachment to trusting?

别让他的甜言蜜语骗取了你的信任。Don't let his friendly words mislead you into trusting him.

你们休要倚靠世人,他鼻孔里不过有气息。Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils.

不要让他那种友好的使你误信他。Don't let his friendly manner mislead you into trusting him.

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谢谢你对我的信任,告诉我你私人的家庭问题。Thank you for trusting me with your personal family problem.

如果你的回答是不相信,那么,什么东西阻隔了你对耶稣的信任?If you answer is no, then what keeps you from trusting Jesus?

把握今天,不要指望明天。今日事令日毕。Seize the present day, trusting tomorrow as little as may be.