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人本性是被邪恶的东西吸引吗?Is human always attracted to evilness?

他的邪恶给他的良心让了路。His evilness gave way to his conscience.

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再多告诉我一些你那些恶魔般的阴谋,让我陶醉在你那男性的邪恶魅力中吧。Tell me more of your diabolical scheme, so that I can swoon at your manly evilness.

花一些时间去认识你的本性。不要为你的邪恶和软弱找藉口。Take time to study your own nature, and do not justify your evilness , and weaknesses.

不动才是静,不死才是生,不恶才是善,不假才是真。Not moving is quiet, not dying is living, not evilness is good, not artificial is true.

得出了东西方对“恶”的消亡存在不同看法的结论。And it made a conclusion about the different views on the extinction of the "evilness" from the east and west.

必须全身心拥抱他的邪恶,这人就是一恶魔啊。"You have to embrace the totality of his evilness. He's like the devil. " — Ralph Fiennes on playing Voldemort.

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我的种子发誓从雕刻制作的愤怒和邪恶销毁所有仁慈的一种肉用血写的复仇。My seed swear vengeance Written with blood from carved flesh Making rage and evilness To destroy all merciful kind.

当狡猾欺诈蒙骗的手法翻新后,百姓对辨解真伪善恶的能力就减弱矣。When the tricks were innovated, people's discretion of goodness and evilness , the true and the false were weakened.

人们也会喝菊花酒,有时候还会把菊花插在头上或者悬挂在窗前或门前来辟邪。Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine. Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.

他又引来耶律镇恶的母亲,两人面上的感激之情真切,令轻轻心中一暖。He leads to come again mom from evilness in Lyu town, on two human faces of laud of the consciousness is lightly matter-of-fact, make heart in a lukewarm.

因为他不具人的七情六欲,所以世俗的对、错、好、坏、善、恶等都对他不具约束力。Since he has no passions and desires in his mind, the worldly rightness and wrong, good and badness, kindness and evilness can no longer bind him anymore.

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不容忽视的是,这一系列不断升级的违法犯罪活动,都是李洪志歪理邪说毒汁浇灌出的罪恶之果。It is not to be neglected that this series of continuingly escalating crimes are the evil fruits irrigated by the evilness of the fallacies and absurdities of Li Hongzhi.

当人把邪恶当成是对的并还怒骂给他劝善的人并加以怂恿错误时,此人已无可救药,面临他的即是生命永远的毁灭。When people acknowledged the evilness and insult their kindness adviser, they are no longer corrigible anymore. The fact facing them is eternal extinction of their lives.

通过对黄药师的心理分析,我们清晰地看到,他一切“邪”的思想和行为,都是由其人格中本我的张显造成的。Through the psychological analysis of Pharmacist Huang's "evilness", we can see clearly that his thought and behaviour of "evilness" come from his distinctive personality.

在这部作品中,戈尔丁用他特有的沉思与冷静挖掘着人类千百年来从未停止过的互相残杀的根源,被誉为一部揭示人性恶的现代版寓言。In this novel, Golding calmly excavates the root of the humanity's lasting mutual massacres with his unique ponder. It is a modern fable promulgating the human nature's evilness.

不过要是什么事情和中国扯上了关系,似乎不用任何检验和证据,人们就会自动给这个国家贴上“邪恶”的标签,就好像没有任何“邪恶”存在于这个国家以外。When it comes to China, it seems that no proof or evidence is needed to make a judgement as the country is automatically branded "evil", as if no "evilness" exists outside of it.

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他反思了美国白人文明,强烈地批判了它的毁灭性和邪恶的一面,并希望能为人类找到一条合理发展的道路。He reflected on the civilization of American whites and fiercely criticized its destructiveness and evilness. He hoped to find a reasonable way of development for human civilization.