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车赛中她拿了第十三名。She came thirteenth in the car race.

美国宪法第13修订案废除了奴隶制。The addition of the Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery.

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第十三天威尼斯飞往巴黎,导游接机。The thirteenth day Venice flying to Paris, guide pick up.

所以一些建筑物都没有十三楼,相反。So some buildings don't have the thirteenth floor, instead.

一直到了第十三响,钟才停止。It was not until the thirteenth stroke that the bell stopped.

波尔塔就第十三种族得出的结论是什么?What conclusion does Baltar come to regarding the Thirteenth Tribe?

2004年的雅典奥运会是泰国第13次参加奥运会。The 2004 Athens Olympics was the thirteenth time that Thailand had competed.

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于是规定每年"阿达尔"月十三日为庆日。They decreed that it should be observed every year on the thirteenth of Adar.

当一年五季的第十三个月,天堂就在下面。In the thirteenth month of the fifth season, Heaven would be right down there.

玻璃山矗立于第十三街和第八十大道的拐角处。The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue.

今年十月我们党要召开十三大。In October of this year our Party will convene its Thirteenth National Congress.

他们已经事奉基大老玛十二年,到十三年就背叛了。Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.

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已经有十二年,到第十三年就背叛了。Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.

十三世纪,最早的股票交易所出现于布鲁日与意大利。The earliest stock exchanges emerge in Bruges and Italy in the thirteenth century.

在十三世纪,大约有100人居住在这个崖居中。About one hundred people lived in this cliff dwelling during the thirteenth century.

赫斯渥沿着十三街朝前走,穿过十四街来到联合广场。The latter made progress along Thirteenth and across Fourteenth Street to Union Square.

根据弗雷德雷克二世在13世纪作过的那个强有力的实验,这是有可能的。Judging from the drastic experiment of Frederick Ⅱ in the thirteenth century, it may be.

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好,是在十三世纪,它正在建造当中,建筑工程在Goshen地区。Now, in the thirteenth century, this is being rebuilt, and that's in the area of Goshen.

的iPhone应用程序目前排在iTunes免费旅游应用程序中的第十三名。The iPhone app is currently in thirteenth position in the iTunes of free travel apps.

这些调弦可以让吉他手弹出开放七,九,十一,或十三和弦。These tunings allow a guitarist to play an open seventh, ninth, eleventh or thirteenth chord.