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他是一位数学天才。He was a mathematical prodigy.

那也和数学有关It's a mathematical thing too.

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他数学方面训练不够。He was lacking in mathematical training.

经济学理论即数学分析。Economic theory is mathematical analysis.

每个数学模型都有时效性。Each mathematical model is time-dependent.

不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator.

有些程序可以证明数学定理There are mathematical theorem-proving programs.

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数学逻辑能够推理一些极其细微的现象。Mathematical logic can produce some great trivia.

著名的定理决定数学的风景。Famous Theorems define the mathematical landscape.

方先生,你对数理逻辑用过功没有?Mr. Fang, have you ever studied mathematical logic?

我们的分析方式是以数学归纳法为基础。The analysis is based on the mathematical induction.

第三章,数学文化与数学史。The third chapter, mathematical culture and history.

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冯•诺依曼发明了与游戏有关的数学理论。Von Neumann invented a mathematical theory of games.

每个都是作为一个数学模型来声明的。Each of them is declared as in the mathematical model.

如何使用数学算子在WMI查询的结果吗?How to use mathematical operators on WMI query results?

当然,现在曲尺是数学的公式。Nowadays, of course, splines are mathematical formulas.

这个奖是数学界中的最高荣誉。This prize is the blue ribbon in mathematical research.

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恒化器模型是一类应用非常广泛的数学模型。Chemostat model is a widely applied mathematical models.

你试过在自己的脑海中呈现出一条数学公式吗?Have you ever tried to visualize a mathematical formula?

数学公理或真理是永远不会错的。Mathematical or rational truths could surely remain true.