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主说明了启示录中第一个象徵的语言。The Lord introduces the first symbolical language in Revelation.

李金发是中国现代诗坛上独树一帜的象征派诗歌的创始者。Li Jinfa has been a pioneer in modern symbolical poetry in China.

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在这最后时期,叶芝已经发展出强硬,复杂和象征风格。In this last period, Yeats has developed a tough, complex and symbolical style.

因为整个献祭制度是预表基督的,所以离了他,这些就毫无价值。Since the whole ritual economy was symbolical of Christ, it had no value apart from Him.

您所看到的是在遗址上建立的遗址广场和标志性的历史遗迹。What you see are greenbelt square and symbolical historical site built on the found site.

梁宗岱将象征与意境相结合,创造了“象征底灵境”这一意境理论。Liang Zongdai created the theory of "Symbolical Lingjing" by connecting symbol with supernatural realm.

每一首诗都可以从不同的角度如寓意、象征等进行鉴赏。Each poem can be explained at various levels from differentperspectives- allegorical, symbolical and others.

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本文试从孔子象征诗学观的来源及其象征诗学观的具体表现来论述孔子的象征诗学观。The origin of Confucius' school symbolical idea of poetry and its characteristic had been discussed in this article.

在电视媒介向受众传播信息的同时,其中包含的符号暴力也在潜移默化中发生作用。When the television conveys information to the audience, at the same time, symbolical violence is influencing subtly.

荷花的大方、优雅、脱俗、清幽自不必说,它甚至是中国古典文化和佛教文化的一种象征性花卉。Everyone know lotus is freehanded, graceful, refined, pure. And it is even the symbolical flower of classical chinese.

文学与政治都是人类的符号行为,因此二者构成了超循环同构关系。Since both of them are human's symbolical behavior, they form an ultra-circulation relationship with the same structure.

在中国文学史上,象征型文学艺术观一直未被确认。In the history of Chinese literature, the period of symbolical thought of literary and artistic theory has not been recognized.

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哈尔滨中央大街是一条集商业、文化、旅游、社会公众活动等多种功能于一体的标志性街道。Centeral Street is a symbolical street in Harbin, which has many functions highlighting commercial, cultural, tourist and public activities.

威廉斯笔下的历史人物具有神话原型的象征模式,这源于其“存在的历史相对论”的观念。Williams' historical figures are endowed with the symbolical pattern of mythological archetype which results from "existential historicism".

藏族的传统建筑色彩,以及这些色彩所象征的意义,给了现代建筑设计一定的提示。The Tibetan traditional constructional colours and their symbolical significance enlightened certainly on the design of the modern construction.

在诗歌上,罗塞蒂曾给自己提出类似的思想,尽管他耽于幻想和象征的心灵同他的原则所提出的现实主义背道而驰。In poetry, Rossetti had set before himself similar ideas, though his mind, visionary and symbolical , combated the realism which his principles suggest.

当代中国城市居民的消费行为已经演化为一种含义系统与一种沟通系统,即表现为人们的象征性消费倾向。The consuming behavior of citizens in present China has become a system of implication and communication, shown in their symbolical consumption tendency.

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本文以傩仪过关为解读对象,运用仪式象征理论,对土家族傩仪“过关”的象征意义进行了解读。Interpreted from the object-Guoguan ceremony, applying the symbolical theory of ceremony, the symbolic meaning of Tujia Nuo ceremony was explained in this paper.

约翰看见耶稣站在灯台的中间,从这个象徵的语法,我们得以瞥见一个事实我们的主耶稣,他亲自站在教会的中间。Then John saw Jesus standing in the middle of the lampstands. In symbolical language we get a glimpse of our Lord Jesus, Himself, standing in the midst of the churches.

实验一发现两个年龄组在两种地点类型上的记忆成绩没有差异,但是独特地点的符号寻找成绩要好于相同地点的符号寻找成绩。Experiment 1 detects that the memorial performances of the tow groups have no differences, but the symbolical performances of unique places are better than it of identical places.