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妈妈和鲁弗斯在哪儿?所以我就去了霍兰德哪儿。Where are my mom and Rufus?So I went to Holland's.

鲁弗斯是皮特巴塔德创建一个开源工具。Rufus is an Open Source tool created by Pete Batard.

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巴贝特,作为一个大黄蜂疯狂,追逐鲁弗斯全城。Babette, mad as a hornet, chases Rufus all over town.

鲁弗斯腐烂的危害是在弗吉尼亚州的军事监狱。Rufus Harms is rotting in a Virginia military prison.

我们最喜欢的客人之一是鲁弗斯.科米尔和伊冯娜.科米尔夫妇。Among our favorite guests were Rufus and Yvonne Cormier.

又问在主蒙拣选的鲁孚和他母亲安。他的母亲就是我的母亲。Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.

今年“狗狗秀”的得胜者是一只名叫“卢夫斯”的牛头梗狗。This year's " Best is Show "was " Rufus", a bull terrier.

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鲁弗斯从后面抓住他将他按到水中。Rufus grabbed him from behind to duck him under the surface.

而这些肇事者往往就是那些像鲁弗斯那样的“问题”学生。And the perpetrators are always the troubled boys, like Rufus.

但有一两名学生我却宁愿他们呆在家里,其中包括鲁弗斯。Then there are the one or two that I'd like to stay home, like Rufus.

啊,那是签名——再上头写著亲爱的罗夫斯,你应该被送到监牢。Well, thats the signature—and above, it says Dear Rufus —you belong in jail.

鲁弗斯在这一学年竟令人不可思议地旷课40多天,迟到也有18次之多。Rufus missed an unbelievable 40 days of school this year and was tardy another 18.

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卡莱尔堡由威廉鲁弗斯于11世纪末建成,临近苏格兰。Carlisle Castle was built at the end of 11th century by William Rufus. It is near Scotland.

波涛连发梦也想做熊,你竟然忍心粉碎牠的梦想?Rufus dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying he's just a dog?

我向约翰建议,他应当雇用希拉里以及我们在耶鲁大学的同班同学迈克.康韦和鲁弗斯.科米尔。I suggested to John that he ought to sign up Hillary and our Yale classmates Mike Conway and Rufus Cormier.

我猜这里不再是巴特的办公室了。不过我可以确定我妈没把,鲁弗斯的康宝锁进保险箱。I guess this really isn't Bart's office anymore. Yeah, except I'm sure my mom Hasn't given Rufus the combo to the safe yet.

对同性恋的恐惧和极度膨胀的黑人男性自尊使得鲁弗斯羞于面对自己的同性倾向。The internalized homophobia and the inflated black masculine self prevent Rufus from admitting his homosexual inclinations.

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处理程序进行韦恩戴维斯6月29日在温布尔登中心球场上鲁弗斯的鹰,他巡逻的理由吓走鸽子。Handler Wayne Davis carries Rufus the Hawk onto Centre Court at Wimbledon June 29 as he patrols the grounds to scare away pigeons.

我多么希望从此以后,我能与鲁弗斯更融洽地相处,而且他能更少旷课,成绩有所提高。I wish I could say Rufus and I got along a lot better after that or that his grades improved or that he came to school more often.

还有可怜的坡,醉倒在巴尔的摩的街沟里,死得也荒唐。他真倒霉,居然挑选鲁弗斯。格里斯沃尔德做他文学上的遗嘱执行人。And poor Poe, who died crazy and drunk in a Baltimore gutter, had the misfortune to select Rufus Griswold as his literary executor.