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因而它是一种体外疗法。It is thus an extracorporeal therapy.

结论HIFU体外治疗恶性实体肿瘤是安全的。Conclusions Extracorporeal treatment of malignant solid tumors with HIFU is safe.

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冲击波有促进骨不连愈合的作用。Extracorporeal shock wave can promote bone healing in the non-union of tibial fracture.

目的探讨肾及输尿管结石体外冲击波的治疗效果。Objective To investigate the kidney, ureteral calculi with extracorporeal shock wave treatment.

在某些情况下,体外震波碎石术可以合并与其他形式的治疗。In some cases, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy may be combined with other forms of treatment.

目的研究腺苷是否能减轻体外循环后肺组织损伤。Objective To investigate the effect of adenosine on pulmonary injury after extracorporeal circulation.

结论冲击波碎石术对输尿管中下段结石的治疗费用更为经济。Conclusion It is more economical with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for distal ureteral calculi.

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目的探讨密闭式体外循环在非心脏手术中的应用。OBJECTIVE To investigate the non-cardiovascular application of closed circuit extracorporeal circulation.

目的介绍经腋动脉右锁骨下动脉插管技术及其体外循环要点。Objective To study the technique of right subclavian arterial cannulation and extracorporeal circulation.

手术采用胸骨正中切口在体外循环深低温低流量灌注下施行。The operation was performed under deep hypothermia and extracorporeal circulation with low flow perfusion.

体外膜肺和激素在治疗上有一定作用。Ventilator with PEEP, hormone therapy and extracorporeal membrane oxygenator were of benifit to the Patients.

方法回顾分析微创心内直视手术89例的体外循环管理相关资料。Methods The data of 89 cases of extracorporeal circulation in minimal invasive heart operations were reviewed.

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目的研究体外冲击波治疗对家兔股骨头修复的作用。Objective To study the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

这种方法时所用的石头是大和无法被删除体外冲击波治疗。This method is used when the stone is large and not able to be removed by extracorporeal shock wave treatment.

目的为了研究体外循环对肺内分流量的影响及其原因。Objective To explore the effect and cause of the extracorporeal circulation on the intrapulmonary shunt volume.

目的探讨S100蛋白与体外循环脑损伤的关系。Objective To explore the relationship between S100 protein and brain injure induced by extracorporeal circulation.

目的总结微创心内直视手术体外循环转流过程管理经验。Objective To elucidate the experience of extracorporeal circulation management in minimal invasive heart operations.

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在模拟体外循环回路中观察丹参素对新鲜防凝猪血血细胞的影响。Fifty-two units of anticoagulated fresh blood of pigs were studied in the special extracorporeal circulation techniques.

血液灌流作为一种体外血液净化技术,多年来一直只应用于急性中毒的治疗。Hemoperfusion is a kind of extracorporeal blood purification technique, which has been applied to treat acute poisoning.

结论体外冲击波治疗膝关节退行性变安全、有效、无副作用。Conclusion Extracorporeal shock wave treatment of degeneration of the knee joint is safe, effective and free of side effect.