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全船房舱完整性提交。Completeness of all cabins to be inspection.

难以确定信息的完整性Difficult to determine information completeness

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为了完整起见,我们接下来要讲速度。Let's talk about velocity just for completeness.

我们的第二个对象设计概念是完整性概念。Our second object design concept is that of completeness.

通过判断,我们应该应用完整性规则。We should apply completeness considerations with discretion.

最后还证明了该方法的可靠性和完全性。The soundness and completeness of this method are also proved.

助教们会闲歇地检查实验记录的完整性。The TAs will check the note books for completeness periodically.

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我们只是为了完整性而叙述它,所以您可以忽略这一情况。We mention it for completeness only, so you may ignore this case.

高度的纯粹性、明晰性和确定性要以完整性为代价。Supreme purity, clarity, and certainty at the cost of completeness.

圣经的全备正如同上帝任何恩赐的全备。The completeness of the Bible is as full as any other gifts of God.

对于这些方法,完整性和正确性是关键。Completeness and correctness are the key advantages to these methods.

是的,而且元宵还象征着家庭团圆、完整和幸福。Yeah, and Yuanxiao symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.

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举这个例子出来是为了完整一点,2s2,2p4,这儿是价电子层。Just putting it up for completeness. 2s2, and 2p4, and so here's the valence shell.

鸡必须连同头尾爪一起奉上,象征有头有尾幸福美满。The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness.

最后讨论了原语操作的完备性和一致性。Finally, completeness and consistence of the set of primitive are discussed briefly.

找到。他们的范本完整到让人害怕,所以我就以他们的范本为基础稍加裁减,变。Their template is intimidating in its completeness , so I've cut it down to the form.

同时可以把卡片归集到桌上或者都贴在墙上,以便来检查它们的一致性和完整性。They can also be grouped on the table or wall to check for consistency and completeness.

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联接性是指工件所提供的解决方案的完全程度。Articulation refers to the degree of completeness for the solution the artifacts provide.

进厂检验指的是在装货时检查PIA零件是否齐全的操作。Incoming inspection is when a PIA part is checked in the load operation for completeness.

采用烧蚀管试验以及氧弹法对比测试了烧蚀性和燃烧完全性。The ablation and burning completeness were tested by erosion tube and oxygen bomb method.