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什么是用户角色?What is a persona?

我在等另外一个人。Estoy esperando a otra persona.

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我觉得我是个不受欢迎的人。I felt I was persona non grata.

从他们的表情看,我显然是不受欢迎的人。Beter! Seeing as I'm persona non grata.

我总是亲笔写私人信件。I always write persona letters by hand.

我恐怕现在是史密斯一家的不受欢迎的人。I fear I am persona non grata at the smiths'now.

6我的SQA工程师角色是一位名叫Ginger的女性。My persona for the SQA engineer is a female named Ginger.

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品牌是一个能实施明确功能的“虚拟人”。A brand is like a persona with a clear function to perform.

他被这个国家宣布为不受欢迎的人并被驱逐出境。He was declared persona non grata and thrown out of the country.

邦德电影有时赞颂了邦德性格中的沙文主义。The Bond films glorify the sometimes chauvinistic persona of Bond.

政府宣布有牵累的外交官为不受欢迎的人。The government declared the implicated diplomats persona non grata.

狂欢性的节日、狂欢性的场景和狂欢式的人物都在其小说中出现。There have carnival , scene of whoopla and persona of whoopla in it.

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为什么穆迪长期在美国不受欢迎的人名单上?Why was Modi's name on the US list of "persona non grata" for so long?

利用我们的产品,人物角色要实现什么样的目标?What are the things that a persona wants to accomplish using our product?

只不过老克把他自己的火箭人标志穿在身上当作保护伞而已。But Clemens has adopted this Rocketman persona and wears it like a shield.

陈鸿宇的公众形象十分平易近人,经常和粉丝互动。Chen's public persona is *approachable, and he frequently interacts with fans.

即使是奥巴马也放下了他极其冷静的姿态说出了他是多么得愤怒。Even Barack Obama tried to drop his ultra-cool persona to say how “angry” he was.

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然而,许多人认为,她最大的魅力在于她不装腔作势的个性。However, many have suggested that her biggest appeal lies in her unassuming persona.

我还以为他们可能是害怕被认为是与我现在不受欢迎的人。I also thought they might be afraid to be associated with me, now persona non grata.

犯人是名女性,好像因为不受欢迎,而变得自暴自弃。Prisoners are women, it seems as persona non grata, give up on themselves to become.