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可设置定时开关机。To set the timer switch.

而我恰好有这样的计时器。And so we do have a timer.

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如果有必要的话设个定时器。Set a timer if you have to.

利用时间掣开关收音机。Turn on a radio by using a timer.

这个定时器是一种轮询机制。This timer is a polling mechanism.

你知不知道怎么用这个定时器啊?Do you know how to do this timer thing?

电子短期计时器达90分钟。Electronic short-term timer up to 90 min.

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这架相机有自动装置。A self- timer is installed in this camera.

所以,设置一个计时器,然后忘掉时间吧。So set a timer and then forget about time.

能告诉我如何使用自动装置吗?Can you show we how to use the self- timer?

还有游戏、行事历、秒表、定时器等功能。Games, calendars, stopwatch, and lap timer.

它表示咖啡机定时器的设置。It represents coffee machine timer settings.

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我们可以做到这一点以一个简单的外部计时器。We can do this with a simple external timer.

在发送每条消息时都会启动一个计时器。A timer is started when each message is sent.

计时器可在0-30分钟之间选择混料时间。Mixing timer able to set within 0-30 minytes.

机器上电后,开始倒计时参数1设置的时间。Parameter 1 timer countdown starts at power-on.

尼特定时器帮你解决记录泊车时间!Neet timer solution for remembering parking time!

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电视机内的定时器可以准时启动打开电视机。The timer in the TV would spring your TV on time.

具有定时功能,保证较佳火候。Timer function, ensuring optimum steaming effect.

嗯,那滴滴答答的定时器就是今天欺负我的人。Well, Tick Tock Timer is that bully for me today.