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数据在结构上是否一致?Is the data structurally consistent?

句子结构非常完整"The whole thing's structurally fine."

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安那托利亚的地形结构很复杂。Anatolia's terrain is structurally complex.

我们希望某种物质结构稳定。We want something to be structurally stable.

立方体建筑结构脆弱且不经济。Cubical buildings are structurally weak and uneconomic.

但如今的体系并没有一个结构稳健的基础。But now the system is not on a structurally sound basis.

针孔和蛀洞所造成的危害对结构的影响不大。Pinhole on shot-hole damage is never structurally significant.

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它们与首颗地球卫星PS-1有着类似的结构。Structurally they were similar to the first Earth satellite PS-1.

有两个着丝粒的结构异常的染色体。Dicentric --- A structurally abnormal chromosome with two centromeres.

在这种情况下,FBML在结构上是正确的,但是数据是错误的。In this case, the FBML may be structurally correct, but the data is wrong.

不论从结构上还是声学性能上说,我们都想不出任何道理说明油对吉他不好。We can't think of any reason, structurally or acoustically , why oil is bad for a guitar.

北堡地区区域构造上位于黄骅坳陷南堡凹陷西部,是南堡凹陷勘探的重点地区。The Beipu Area is structurally located at the west part of Nanpu sag, Huanghua depression.

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通过预试来选择条目,最后通过正式施测来检验量表的信度、效度。Secondly, structurally designing each item of scale. Choosing the items basing on pre-test.

群落可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和层间层。The community can be structurally divided into arborous layer, shrub layer and herbaceous layer.

用核磁、红外光谱以及元素分析确定了聚合物的结构。The polyphosphates were structurally characterized by 1H NMR, IR spectra and elemental analysis.

大多数公司从结构上和理论上推进增值性革新。Most companies are set up, both structurally and philosophically, to pursue incremental innovation.

片麻岩带南北两侧的岩石,在岩性上及构造上都和它大不相同。Rocks to the north and south of the gneiss zone are lithologically and structurally distinct from it.

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在高层公寓里,每套房屋结构一模一样,但每个人的“家”又各不相同。Structurally they are identical, but each of these high-rise apartments has been adapted to make it home.

这些数据表明,吸烟者与从不曾吸烟者的大脑结构有明显不同。The data showed that the smokers were found to have structurally different brains from the never-smokers.

一个单细胞生物体的结构分为两卷相同或相似,但内部相反。A single-cell organism divided into two volumes structurally identical and internally similar but opposite.