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大脑就是一台三磅重的超级计算机。The brain is a three-pound supercomputer.

天河-1A超级计算机,天津,中国The Tianhe-1A supercomputer in Tianjin, China.

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不过,他使用的是IBM的“蓝色基因”超级计算机。Instead, he uses an IBM Blue Gene supercomputer.

眼球的数据处理能力堪比一台超级电脑。An eyeball has as much processing power as a supercomputer.

这也是中国的超级计算机研制者要问的问题。It is a question Chinese supercomputer developers are also asking.

橡树岭国家实验室的新一代超级计算机到底有多快?How fast is the new supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory?

F2是国防科大研制成功的全数字仿真计算机系统。The YH- F2 is a full digital simulation supercomputer developed by.

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中国的电脑工程师还发明了超级电脑-神威。Chinese computer engineers have also developed the supercomputer Shenwei.

特斯拉S1070机架内“燕部署”在东京工业大学超级计算机在日本。Tesla S1070 rack deployed inside "Tsubame" supercomputer at Tokyo Tech in Japan.

中国的”天河一号“则排名第五,这也是中国超级计算机目前为止达到的最高排名成绩。At No. 5 is China's Tianhe-1, the highest ranking ever for a Chinese supercomputer.

这台美洲豹超级计算机能达到每秒计算23万亿次。The Jaguar supercomputer can process up to 2.3 quadrillion calculations per second.

如果我们不主动让位,也许超级电脑就会老实不客气地闯进来,把我们推到一边。And if we don't step aside, perhaps Supercomputer will simply move in and push us aside.

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作为一个例子,“罗蒙诺索夫”超级计算机超过每秒钟10万亿次运算。As an example, the "Lomonosov" supercomputer makes over 10 trillion operations per second.

今年六月份,理研和富士公司联合发布了世界最快的超级计算机,所有媒体都不禁欢呼雀跃。Newspapers cheered when Riken and Fujitsu unveiled the world’s fastest supercomputer in June.

他也邀请了Borm,然后从去年在加尔文开始他的计划,协助他组建这部超级计算机。He also asked Brom, then beginning his last year at Calvin, to help him build the supercomputer.

大脑是一个三磅重的超级计算机,它是使你正常生活的命令和控制中心,完全参与你所做的每一件事。The brain is a three-pound supercomputer. It is the command and control center running your life.

到2013年便可造出超越人脑运算能力的电脑。By 2013, a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computational capabilities of human brain.

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它是管理你复杂生活的超级计算机,同时也是储藏你精神的脆弱器官。It’s both the supercomputer that runs your complex life and the tender organ that houses your soul.

超级计算机这一术语也可以是指速度慢了很多但仍然让人感觉很快的系统。The term supercomputer may also refer to systems that are much slower but still impressively quick.

该超级计算机还可以帮助投资者了解自己的投资组合,并决定作出何种投资。The supercomputer also can help investors learn about their portfolios and decide what investments to make.