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他的脑子里总是想一些高不可攀的目标。He always has unattainable goals in his mind.

在他的幻梦中,那岛屿似乎成了可望而不可及的阿卡狄亚了。In his fancy the Island seemed an unattainable Arcadia.

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在这一点,无法得到真“金”的标准。In this regard, the pure "gold" standard is unattainable.

对于我,内屋和外面世界一样,都是触及不到的。As the outer world, so, for me, the interior, was unattainable.

在老百姓眼中,北戴河是一个可望而不可即的地方。In the eyes of ordinary people, Beidaihe is an unattainable place.

我不相信亿万富翁与我有不可企及的距离。I do not believe that billionaire and I have unattainable distance.

人们通过不断犯错误接近不可企及的真理。Man approaches the unattainable truth through a succession of errors.

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他们支持一种“忍者头领”式的行为,既不合理,又不现实。They subscribe to a kind of “ninja leader” act that is as unreasonable as it is unattainable.

美是我们所知道的最完备的东西,它包括了自然的不可企及的神秘目标。Beauty is the most perfect things as we know, it includes the goal unattainable mystery of nature.

“你需要配上炸薯条吗?”这句话将不再是一句民族的妙语,相反,将变成无法实现的梦想。“Do you want fries with that” will no longer be a national punch line but rather an unattainable dream.

奢华---于常人而言似乎高高在上,带着高不可攀的冷硬面孔傲视世人。Luxury—to common people, it seems high above and to look down at common people with an unattainable cold face.

我们可以肯定的是,高希测试是以一个在社会中无法实现的诚实标准为基础的。What we can say for sure is that the test is based on an unattainable standard of honesty in society, " said Fafinski.

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此项技术也可侦测到之前无法定量的纳米及微米架构的原位癌。They also allow for the previously unattainable quantitative assessment of nanoarchitecture and microarchitecture in situ.

理想主义的女人们所想要的东西就像是一个50岁的男人想要一个23岁的女人的身体那达遥不可及。What idealist women want in a man is just as unattainable as the 23-year-old perfect female body the 50-year-old man craves.

他们就摆脱难以实现目标并重新投入新目标的能力向参与者提问。They asked the participants questions about their ability to disengage from unattainable goals and to re-engage with new goals.

虽然一份理想的工作听上去遥不可及,但是只要有足够多的前瞻性和准备,人们就能采取正确的行动。As unattainable as a dream job might sound, with the right amount of forethought and preparation, you can make the move as well.

将反身性的讨论引回到经济理论,我们发现,正是参与者的偏向导致了均衡点的不可企及。Returning to economic theory, it can be argued that it is the participants' bias that renders the equilibrium position unattainable.

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父爱是深邃的、伟大的、纯洁而不可回报的,然而父爱又是苦涩的,难懂的、忧郁而不可企及的。Fatherly love is deep, great, pure and not return, but fatherly love is bitter, difficult to understand, depression and unattainable.

我想要她离我远一些,远到她没法继续与我维系这层关系,因为她变成了纯粹的记忆,而且这么多年就是这样保持着。I wanted her far away from me, so unattainable that she could continue as the mere memory she had become and remained all these years.

需要缓存数据库或其他后端数据存储区中的数据,并需要以其他方式无法达到的速度访问这些数据?Need to cache data from a database or other backend data store that needs to be accessed at speeds that would otherwise be unattainable?