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火鸟没有排序规则简体版?。Firebird don't have Collate for GB2312?

学生们通过阅读、采访、实地考察等获取信息。They collate information through reading, interviews, fieldwork, as well as other sources.

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与其他语言中的模块一样,模块用于把相似的函数集中在一起。Modules, just like modules in other languages, are used to collate similar functions together.

GACVS可负责整理此类信息,对其进行评估并使更多的人可以获得这些信息。The GACVS might collate such information, which should be evaluated and made widely available.

从而给出一般勘点原则和特殊区域的勘点原则。Thus provide and generally collate collating some principles of some principles and special areas.

这些系统需要先进的计算机硬件和软件,从而收集和分析输入的数据。These systems require advanced computer hardware and software to collate and analyse incoming data.

对于特定的语言,需要显式地指定地区属性,才能正确地对文本进行排序。You need to explicitly specify the locale attribute to properly collate text for a specific language.

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用户和参与编写者不但能够轻易获取数据集,而且可以对其进行校勘和深入挖掘。Both users and the site’s own contributors collate and scrape datasets so that they’re easily accessible.

因此,时至今日,仍有必要对这些问题进行耙梳整理、辨讹论正。Therefore, it is quite essential to collate these issues and to distinguish the right theories from the false ones.

我计划建立一个全球卫生观察站,收集、比较和散发有关重点卫生问题的资料。I want to establish a global health observatory to collect, collate and disseminate data on priority health problems.

Wikislice是一款应用程序,可帮助用户收集整理指定主题和门类下的维基百科条目。Wikislice is an application that allows the user to collate Wikipedia entries based on a particular topic or subtopic.

对比供应商文件,处理和匹配发票并递送与采购订单相对应的票据。Collate supplier documentation for processing, matching invoices and delivery dockets with the corresponding purchase order.

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故而,以这部史书作进一步校勘研究在学术上和梁代历史研究方面都有一定意义。Therefore, to collate this book further will have certain significance in academic and the history of Liang dynasty's research.

欲使经典文献更好的为现代服务,必须首先整理出尽可能完善并且具有时代特色的文本。Desiring it to serve the modem better, first we mist collate the perfect texts as possibly as with the characteristic of the era.

然后她看见成堆的照片,把“最早”的照片放在相册开始,按照这个方法,将他们按时间轴整理。Then she could look at the piles, see which had the “earliest” photo on top, and by that, collate them all together into one timeline.

除了模拟演习,它可能也有可能从现有的苏格兰整理低碳建筑成本资料。In addition to modelling exercises, it may also be possible to collate cost information from existing low carbon buildings in Scotland.

本文并非要介绍每一份报告,而是对所有这些报告中最有趣的数据和观点作整理。Rather than cover each and every one, this post is an attempt to collate the most interesting statistics and insight from each of the reports.

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但是在全球化的时代,很可能需要样式表根据多种不同的语言和文化传统对数据进行排序。However, in a globalized era, you might need stylesheets that can collate data according to several different linguistic and cultural conventions.

研究、整理民族民间文艺资料,探讨它的美学潜质,对繁荣社会主义文艺具有重要价值。It is of great importance to the prosperity of socialist literature and art to study and collate the resources and explore their aesthetic potential.

通常,当项目经理依靠团队成员所提供的状态数据时,他们得到的结果是不一致、不准确和难以比较的。Typically, when project managers rely on team members to provide status data, they get results that are inconsistent, imprecise, and hard to collate.