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确实会失礼失敬哩。Indeed it would be disrespectful.

却之不恭。It would be disrespectful to decline.

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你不能对你的母亲无礼不逊。You are not disrespectful to your mother.

估计会说,现在的孩子真是没大没小。Probably like kids are so disrespectful nowadays.

穿低腰裤会被视为失礼、不像话。Low-slung pants can be seen as disrespectful or indecent.

这些年轻人脾气非常暴躁,对人非常不敬,他们经常旷课,没人知道他们的行踪。These young men were extremely angry, very disrespectful.

你怎敢这样说话,太不像话了。You can't talk to me like that. You are so disrespectful.

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当别人要说话的时候起哄是很无礼的。Heckling is disrespectful to the person wo is trying to talk.

假如他们无视于我们的意愿,我们便认为是他们失之在理。If they ignore our wishes, we believe they are disrespectful.

对于没有患多动症的一方,打断就意味着不尊重。To the non-ADHD partner, the interruptions are disrespectful.

像你这样的人才,屈就于农奴的身份,实在是太不敬了。People like you, to condescend to serf , is so disrespectful of the.

我从来不迟到、从来不缺席、不违背命令、不偷懒,永不无理取闹。I've never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.

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在美国有太多不尊重人的小屁孩。Then again there are far too many disrespectful brats here in America.

如果不加思密达,在朝鲜会被认为是不敬。If you do not add smecta, North Korea will be considered disrespectful.

此外,好像他并没对他的同辈学人有过失礼之举,是吧?Besides, it’s not likely that he’s been disrespectful to his peers, right?

你是否会大喊大叫或者说一些伤害人的、刻薄的或者不尊重人的事情?Do you tend to yell and scream or say hurtful, mean, disrespectful things?

我认为这是对我、我妈妈、和所有的小精灵的不尊重。And I found it very disrespectful to me, my mommy, and the entire elfish race.

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还有人指责他,这是对上帝的不恭,应当受到惩罚。There are people accused him of, it is disrespectful to God and should be punished.

纵然我们很忙,我们认为不出席是失礼的。Even though we were busy, we thought it would be disrespectful not to put in an appearance.

他今天有他自己的打算,对我们酷好的足球没有任何帮忙。I find that deeply disrespectful. He has shown areal lack of class today, to me and the fans.