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接着,杰弗逊在1803年再次派遣门罗去巴黎。He next sent Monroe to Paris in 1803.

门罗接替麦迪逊当上总统。Monroe followed Madison as president.

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西瓜雕刻的玛丽莲梦露!Watermelon carving of Marilyn Monroe.

有人称之为“中国式的门罗主义“。Call it the Monroe Doctrine, Chinese style.

“门罗主义”成为美国外交政策的基石。"Monroe Doctrine"has become the cornerstone of U.

梦露1926年6月1日出生于洛杉矶,当时名叫诺玛·琼·培克。Marilyn Monroe was born in Los Angeles on June1,1926.

不过,也许没有任何一个角色像梦露这一样对她影响深远。But perhaps no role has affected her as much as Monroe.

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我们今晚的演出由漂亮的格洛丽亚·门罗主持。Host our show this evening is the lovely Gloria Monroe.

试衣间的门挤破了,柜台底下人堆人。The fitting room door squeezed under the counter, Monroe.

无犯罪玛丽莲梦露甚至没有比较遴大。No Offense Marylin Monroe doesn't even compare to Lin Dai.

甘迺迪在遇刺前一周曾和玛莉莲‧梦露在一起。A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

而玛丽莲梦露便是此种错误最惨烈的牺牲品。There was no more poignant victim of it than Marilyn Monroe.

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在执政早期,门罗展开了一趟慈善之旅。Early in his administration, Monroe undertook a goodwill tour.

他们在电报的回信中写到“谁是玛丽莲梦露?”"Who the hell is Marilyn Monroe?" they wrote back in a telegram.

著名的交易者路易斯?培根和蒙罗·特劳特也在名单中。Famed traders Louis Bacon and Monroe Trout were on the list, too.

你随时都能见到一堆模仿猫王和梦露的人。You see tons of Elvis or Marilyn Monroe impersonators all the time.

最近的事态表明,他的门罗主义又有一个惊人的发展。Events recently reveal a surprising extension of his Monroe Doctrine.

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梦露曾私下里告诉梅里曼,她觉得自己深受美国电影的限制。Privately, Monroe told Meryman she felt restricted by American movies.

今天,我和哈里·门罗继续为大家播讲关于梦的系列报道。Today, Harry Monroe and I continue our series of reports about dreams.

在米诺抄写的副本中,梦露讲述了她计划出演莎士比亚作品的想法。In Miner's transcript, Monroe discussed her plans to pursue Shakespeare.