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我的好老爷,你太棒我啦。My dear, you flatter me.

今天我要好好对您献殷勤。I will flatter you today.

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有的说是,以讨好赵高。Some said yes just to flatter him.

穿着好看和合身的衣服。Wear clothes that flatter and fit.

那些奉承我的人并不能取悦于我。The ones who flatter me don't please me.

为了取乐,我们奉承低头。Yet for disport we fawn and flatter both.

第二层,廉价的谀美之词。The 2nd, the word of cheap flatter beauty.

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也恭维黑夜,说如果星星暗淡。So flatter I the swart- complexioned night.

我不在乎凯撒王怎么看我,我不奉承任何人。what Caesar thinks of me. I flatter no one.

用他那至尊的眼媚悦着山顶。Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye.

我曾拥有你-如一枕黄粱。Thus have I had thee, as a dream doth flatter.

兰兰的鼻子挺,我的塌多了。Lanlan's nose is prominent, mine is much flatter.

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任何人也没有像他一样对她那么曲意奉承。No other man ever stooped to flatter her so much.

要知道这些衣服可一点都配不上你。You know these clothes do not flatter you at all.

还因此而可以形成更平坦的边缝。It also permits the fabrication of a flatter seam.

对于那些迎合你自尊心的意见,要十分小心。Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.

我从不曲意逢迎,即使面对凯撒的评价,我也能昂然自若。I don't care what Caesar thinks of me. I flatter no one.

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你真以为他喜欢你?你是自作多情!Do you really think he likes you ? you flatter yourself !

埃弗顿开始奔溃并最终以1-3输给了我们。Everton collapsed a bit and in the end 3-1 didn't flatter us.

一个既不用借债又不用奉承人的人,可以称得上心满足足。He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter.