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冠状动脉钙质沉着随着年龄的增长而增加。The detection of coronary artery calcinosis increased with aging.

结论CT对冠状动脉钙质沉着的诊断很有价值。Conclusion CT is very significant in the diagnosis of coronary artery calcinosis.

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目的探讨肿瘤样钙盐沉着症的临床病理特点。Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of tumoral calcinosis.

结果16例患者有不同程度的脑内钙质沉着。Results 16 cases were with different degrees of intracephalic calcinosis in primary hypoparathyroidism.

类肿瘤钙质沉积主要在手肘、髋关节、肩膀及手腕,甚至可以沉积在心血管系统。The common sites for tumoral calcinosis are the elbow, hip, shoulder, hand, wrist, and cardiovascular system.

因未发现上皮细胞,因此建议对阴囊自发性钙沈淀症进行细胞性诊断。No epithelial cells were found, hence, a cytological diagnosis of idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was suggested.

两年前,类肿瘤钙质沉积症被诊断出来,主要在左侧腹股沟处及右上腹壁有两个肿块。Tumoral calcinosis was diagnosed with a mass in left inguinal area and a mass over right upper abdominal wall 2 years ago.

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颅脑CT对原发性甲状旁腺功能减退对脑内钙质沉着的诊断与鉴别诊断很有价值。It is very significant of brain CT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the brain calcinosis of primary hypoparathyroidism.

有报告指出类肿瘤钙质沉积可以引起全身性发炎反应如发烧等表现。Several reports had revealed that tumoral calcinosis could present with signs of systemic inflammation leading to fever and other symptoms.

方法报告原发性甲状旁腺功能减退钙的脑内沉着16例,对其临床表现和颅脑CT检查进行分析。Methods 16 cases of intracephalic calcinosis in primary hypoparathyroidism were studied. The authors also investigated the clinical and brain CT appearances of the patients.