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双收入家庭一时成为基准。Two-income families were the norm.

然而,在卢旺达这是正常现象。In Rwanda, however, it is the norm.

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这在各大公司都是司空见惯的。It was a norm for any major company.

强行法是国际法强制执行的规范基础。Jus cogens are the norm basis of EIL.

去年,圣西罗不规范。Last year San Siro was not in the norm.

跟你们大多数人一样,我不喜欢常规。Like many of you, I hate the daily norm.

我们培养的教育者让我们平庸。We train educators to teach to the norm.

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这好像很不成思议,但就是家常饭。It seems unthinkable, but that's the norm.

这是一个有点脱离的标准箱。This is a bit of break from the norm for me.

在大家庭里,送给亲人旧衣衫算是一种习俗。Hand-me-downs are the norm in a large family.

跳槽在那几年成为一种标准。Job hoppers were the norm during those years.

而挑战则是使这些情况成为规范。The challenge is to make such cases the norm.

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不确定项用有界范数来刻画。The uncertainty is described by bounded norm.

较模糊的目标是如何将洗手制定为常规。Less clear is how to make hand-washing a norm.

在下面的丛林里,诺姆看着她敢死队般地狂冲IN THE JUNGLE BELOW, Norm watches her kamikaze run

这现在看起来挺怪,但未来会成为很正常的事。It looks odd, but it will become part of the norm.

而在欧洲,在中国内地,这其实都是一件稀松平…Such is the norm in Europe, and in mainland China.

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无论哪种情况,装配线式思维方式都是标准。In either case, assembly-line thinking is the norm.

似乎这是一场将两个领域很好结合的会议。Norm Shealy, it seemed the two fields blended well.

在提供方面,严紧的出借仍然是标准”。On the supply side, tight lending remains the norm.