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或者地球本身将稳定下来?Or will the planet itself stabilise?

这将有助于稳定他们的股票价格。That should help stabilise their stock prices.

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这一切做了之后,明年经济将稳定运行。Do all this and the economy will stabilise next year.

稳定情绪,展延肌肤老化和淡化或减少雀斑。Helps to stabilise mood swings, prevent ageing skin and reduce freckles.

他们需要的是用来固定他残躯的厚木板和能把他抬出来的千斤顶。What they needed were planks to stabilise the debris and jacks to lift it.

派出成千上万的军队来维持阿富汗的稳定。And sencondly to commit tens of thousands of troops to stabilise Afghnastan.

半螺纹螺钉理论上能稳定住冠状面上的骨折块。Partially-threaded screws can theoretically stabilise coronal fracture fragments.

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“麦克尔的右肩需要接受手术来接上,”曼联的一个发言人说。Mikael's right shoulder required surgery to stabilise the joint, " said a United spokesman."

我们能承受的底线是美元在升值前至少从2008年开始能先稳定下来。Our baseline scenario is for the dollar to stabilise in 2008 before beginning to appreciate.

总体上,该器械可在下胫腓联合损伤的恢复期内提供稳定性。Overall, this fixation device was found to adequately stabilise the syndesmosis during healing.

为了稳定伤势我做了一些练习,并在脚踝部做了按摩治疗。I'm doing extra work to stabilise that and am having massage treatment around the ankle as well.

但是这无法稳定大气中的二氧化碳水平——而只能降低增加的速率。But these will not stabilise levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide — only slow the rate of increase.

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飞机有一段时间直上直下,飞行员无法将它稳定下来。The plane was sent into a steep climb and then a dive, before the pilots were able to stabilise it.

结束耕作有助于稳定土壤,而停止灌溉则有利于缓解水资源短缺问题。The end of ploughing helps stabilise the soil, while stopping irrigation alleviates water shortages.

PTA在其上下游支撑同时减弱背景下,恐难以止跌企稳。PTA in the context of its downstream support while weakening, difficult to stabilise stopped falling.

11月17日,中国国务院承诺采取“强有力的措施”稳定物价。On November 17th the State Council, China’s cabinet, promised “forceful measures” to stabilise prices.

多亏这些巨大但难以持久的财政与货币性输血,产出最终将稳定下来。Thanks to massive—and unsustainable—fiscal and monetary transfusions, output will eventually stabilise.

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它利用负重状态下控制性的骨折加压稳定骨折并促进愈合。It utilises controlled impaction during weight-bearing to stabilise the fracture and facilitate healing.

即使房价很快企稳,非抵押信贷会随着经济下滑而继续恶化。Even if house prices stabilise soon, non-mortgage credit will go on deteriorating as the economy shrinks.

所以,在价格上升时,他们会将其卖掉以保持所持股份低于限制,这种限制会稳定价格。So they will sell as prices rise to keep their holdings below that limit, which tends to stabilise prices.