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驴儿过去了,无意中回头一看。As the donkey passed by, I looked back unknowingly.

其实我们有意无意的都在使用这种方法。All of us apply this method knowingly or unknowingly.

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他和她在不知情地穿行四季。He and she unknowingly walk through the four seasons.

这么说我们已经不知不觉地走到了另一个寨子了。This means we have unknowingly arrived at another village.

一切事物都是这样,来得快,去得也一样不知不觉。All things are this way, comes and goes may also unknowingly.

我不知不觉遵循着这个教训。This a lesson that I unknowingly followed for quite some time.

父亲的骨,无意中捐出,可使你的儿子再生。Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son.

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空里流霜不觉飞,汀上白沙看不见。Lane air flow cream unknowingly fly, Baisha invisible on statins.

不知不觉中做了一些自我满足助人。Some do it unknowingly for the self-satisfaction of helping others.

不知不觉到了初六,我们到别人家拜年了。Unknowingly to the six, we go to other people's homes the New Year.

就如我们早已习惯了我们的生活,不觉不察,无以逃避!As we have become accustomed to our lives, unknowingly be aware of, not escaping.

我独自逡巡在干草丛中,不知不觉裤腿已被露水所打湿。Qunxun alone in a pair of hay, trouser legs have been unknowingly by the wet dew.

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克拉伦斯•厄尔•吉迪恩在不知不觉中把这个问题提交给了最高法院。Clarence Earl Gideon had unknowingly brought this question before the Supreme Court.

另外20名患者不知不觉地接受无脑刺激的伪装治疗。An additional 20 patients unknowingly received sham treatments with no brain stimulation.

我们不晓得知不知道,这种明知故犯,或是无知被人拖过去。Do we know if we are knowingly committing these offenses or unknowingly influenced others?

这样的话让程曦令痛苦说自己不知不觉干了多少坏事,害了唐家多少次。So let Cheng Xiling pain said he unknowingly did many bad things, how many times hurt tang.

我没有意识到在无意间我阻碍了公司的进一步发展,即利润的增加。I unknowingly hindered my ability to move the company forward and, in turn, increase revenue.

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我们无意中在同一天同一个公园举办我们的婚礼,这样一对大学兄弟‘撞车’了。We unknowingly held our wedding in a park on the same day a college fraternity was tailgating.

在这不觉之中忽然起了一念要趋向觉悟,这是始觉。Since unknowingly being suddenly in this study to be a trend of consciousness, which is Shijue.

新人们可以请这些人在他们不知情地违反规矩时及时的提醒他们。Newcomers can ask those people to alert them when they've unknowingly violated an unwritten rule.