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在此之后,你的奖金不再赎回。After that, your bonus is no longer redeemable.

兑换券限本人使用,不得转让或兑换现金。The coupon is not transferable or redeemable for cash.

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凭这些积分可以换取社区其他成员的翻译。The points are redeemable for translations from others within the community.

他们的纸币将一直能够每时每刻,用金子赎回来。committed that their paper money would always and at all times be redeemable in gold.

写一份说明书,解释纸带是一种优惠券,双方每接吻一次,就可以取出一条纸带。Write a certificate explaining that the slips are coupons redeemable for one kiss each.

剩余的课程卡费不可退还,同时也不能作为学费或其它费用的冲抵。Remaining credit is NOT redeemable as credit against general tuition or any other program.

分给每个游戏者一些虚拟的游戏代币,在游戏结束时它们可以被兑换成相应数目的金钱。Each player was given a number of virtual tokens, redeemable for money at the end of the game.

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可赎回优先股可于发行日期后七年内按面值赎回。The redeemable preference shares are redeemable seven years after their date of issue at par value.

凭此礼券可在杭州国大雷迪森广场酒店各营业点折价人民币100元。This certificate is worth RMB100.00 and is redeemable at any outlets in the Radisson Plaza Hotel Hangzhou.

这种债券始于1956年,以一英镑为单位,需要时可按面值兑现。The bonds, which were introduced in 1956, are in units of one pound and are redeemable at face value on demand.

曾有人告诉我说,当你扮演一个反派的时候,你就必须试着去找出一点可救赎的品质。"Somebody told me once that when you play a villain, you must try to find a redeemable quality, " says Abercrombie.

一名澳大利亚赎回累积目标是一种远期合约的损失,最严重的是,我们在合同的重点。One Australian redeemable cumulative goal is a loss of forward contracts, the most serious, is what we focus on the contract.

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此券盖章有效,仅限指定门市使用。不可折换现金,复印无效。Redeemable only at appointed Cold Stone Creamery locations with seal. No cash value. Not valid with other offers or if copied.

在IgoUgo网站评论的作者可以获得Go积分奖励,以回馈他们所做出的评论贡献,积分可以兑换航空公司里程和礼物兑换券。Review writers can earn IgoUgo Go Points, redeemable for frequent flyer miles and gift certificates, for their review contributions.

政府计划为低收入者提供现金、补贴信贷以及可用于兑换基本生活用品和服务的配给券。The government plans to make cash payments, subsidized credit, and coupons redeemable for basic goods and services available to low income earners.

公司之前的总发行股数多重投票权股票,可赎回的第一优先股票和下属表决权股份都被有效的取消了。The company's previously issued and outstanding multiple voting shares, redeemable first preferred shares and subordinate voting shares were effectively canceled.

在一种所谓的应急管理试验中,可卡因和海洛因患者被保证,如果他们表现好他们可以赎回他们的现金,家居用品或是衣服。In so-called contingency management experiments, subjects addicted to cocaine or heroin are rewarded with vouchers redeemable for cash, household goods, or clothes.

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在涉及大量粗笨物或大量组织的专门资产的活动中,由于变换需要很大的成本,因此可赎回的剩余索取权也是无效率的。Redeemable residual claims are also inefficient in activities that involve large amounts of lumpy or organization-specific assets that can be varied only with large costs.

当时的世界金融中心在伦敦,而且大多数主要贸易国家均采用金本位制,也就是说,用于结算的货币可兑换成黄金。The world’s financial capital was London, and most major trading nations were on the gold standard, meaning financial obligations were settled in currencies redeemable in gold.