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你对碳酸氢纳认识多少?What do you know about sodium bicarbonate?

谁有抗酸剂或者重碳酸盐苏打水么?。Anybody got any antacid or bicarbonate of soda?

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所以说小苏打去黑头的说法其实不现实。So saying sodium bicarbonate julep is in fact not true.

你觉得碳酸氢纳和醋加在一起会有何反应?How do you think sodium bicarbonate and vinegar will react?

那些含有碳酸氢盐或美白成分等有研磨作用的牙膏。Abrasive tooth pastes such as bicarbonate or whitening pastes.

西药采用胰酶和碳酸氢钠口服。Western medicine used pancreatin and sodium bicarbonate orally.

碳酸氢钠于某些含酸物质如酒石酸氢钾、糖浆或糖蜜、或譬如象姜汁饼和苏打饼配方中的酸乳等等一起使用。By using bicarbonate of soda with something containing acid, such as

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在玻璃碗内加入柠檬酸粉和小苏打粉混合。In a glass bowl, mix the citric acid and bicarbonate of soda together.

在酸性更重的肿瘤中,有更多的重碳酸盐转化成二氧化碳。In more acidic tumors, more bicarbonate is converted into carbon dioxide.

碳酸氢铵系我国独创的氮肥生产品种。Ammonium bicarbonate is a nitrogenous fertilizer product of originality in China.

在那里,石灰会与水中溶解的二氧化碳反应,生成碳酸氢根离子。There, it reacts with CO2 dissolved in the water, converting it into bicarbonate ions.

碳酸氢钠坐浴和局部外涂植物油可缓解症状。Sodium bicarbonate sitz baths and topical vegetable oils may provide some local relief.

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苛化时随碳酸氢钠初始浓度增大,平衡苛化率下降。The equilibrium conversion decreases as the initial concentration of bicarbonate increases.

以碳酸氢铵为沉淀剂合成了碳酸镧晶体。Crystalline lanthanum carbonate was synthesized using ammonium bicarbonate as the precipitant.

本品含有三种活性成分,扑热息痛,碳酸氢钠及咖啡因。This medicine contains three active ingredients, paracetamol, sodium bicarbonate and caffeine.

至少一小时后,在表面上刷碳酸氢钠溶液直到所有的反应都终止。After one hour minimum, brush surface with sodium bicarbonate solution until all reaction ceases.

该产品测量血液透析的碳酸氢盐比重是一款理想的工具。The unit is ideal for measuring the specific gravity of bicarbonate solutions used in hemodialysis.

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阐述了碳酸根离子和碳酸氢根离子的测定方法和浓度计算。The determination and concentration calculation of carbonate ion and bicarbonate ion were described.

此图,从它的研究中,显示了碳酸氢根离子密度的下降,因为它涉及到年龄。This graph, from her research, displays the decline of plasma bicarbonate density as it relates to age.

这点碳酸氢钠量即可防止缺钾和骨质脱钙。This modest amount of sodium bicarbonate prevents the potassium depletion and demineralization of bone.