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不要中途换马。Don't change horses in midstream.

您的目标有没有中途变卦?Did your goals change in midstream ?

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他们的船在河中央翻了。Their boat had capsized in midstream.

船在中流飞快地漂行。The boat floated rapidly in midstream.

灾岁月悳轮回中流成河。Transmigration midstream Cheng He in years.

指着河里游动着的一条鳟鱼。He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

同时也从文字中流露出他的真情实感。Also from text midstream shows his real feelings.

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风顺水急,望中流而去。Sped by wind and current, the boat moved toward midstream.

还有一条忠告是,不要在中途换马。Another piece of advice is, do not change horses in midstream.

另一条建议是,不要在中途改变马匹。Another piece of advice is, do not change horses in midstream.

确知样式和行为不会中途改变。You know that styles and behavior will not need to change midstream.

中游是指通过船运和管道运输新开采的石油。Midstream means the transportation of new oil by ship routes and pipelines.

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他在溪中停下,轻轻叫了下,就像小孩洗澡时做的。He paused midstream to make a slight contribution, as a child does in bathing.

它还努力在一个中游岛建立了约旦-以色列和平公园。It's also working to establish a Jordanian-Israeli peacepark on a midstream island.

“他们作为大型零售商,不能像独立的小型零售商,在中途随意改变,”Spector解释道。"They are so large that they can't change midstream like an independent can," Spector explained.

黄河中游的高含沙洪水常常引起黄河的“揭河底”冲刷。The flood with hyperconcentration in the midstream Yellow River frequently causes the bottom tearing scouring.

战争期间要选新总统时,人民大多会决定中途不易主。When a new president is to be elected during the war, the people may decide not to change horses in midstream.

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柳州市位于柳江中下游河段,是国家重点防洪城市,经过几年的建设,建立有工程防洪体系和非工程防洪体系。Liuzhou City is located midstream and downstream of Liujiang River and the pilot city to the national flood control.

如果资源被搅乱或者测试用例需要被指派到新的所有者的话,这将是一个非常有用的特性。This is a very useful feature if resources are shuffled and test cases need to be reassigned to new owners midstream.

雷颂华跟木兰又约着喝酒,在聊天中流露出她要提拔她当店长的意思。LeiSongHua with mulan again about drink, chat in midstream shows she will promote her when the meaning of the manager.