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另一个朋友提到他会成为货车司机。Another friend mentioned he’d become a trucker.

这是“熊猫卡车司机”,是个电动玩具。This is a "Panda Trucker". It is an electric toy.

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金姆跑向公路,向一个卡车司机挥手示意,寻求帮助。Kim then runs to the highway, and flags down a trucker for help.

一个因为开车时发短信的而撞进池塘的卡车司机The trucker who crashed into a pool because he was texting while driving

乔把斯努皮抱在臂弯里,安慰南希,“我要试试找个东去的卡车司机,托他把咱们家老闺女捎回家。”I'm going to try to find an eastbound trucker to take the old girl back for us.

这个司机给了她706.5盎司的冷藏的母乳——比5加仑还要多。The trucker gave her a cooler with 706.5 ounces of human milk — more than 5 gallons.

随后,巴士司机、卡顿和另外一名卡车司机重新回到巴士上,想知道之后发生了什么。The bus driver, Caton and a trucker at the scene re-boarded to see what was happening.

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在洋山深水港,一位卡车司机的妻子在等待丈夫的卡车装货。In Yangshan Port, Shanghai, the wife of a trucker waits while his vehicle is being loaded.

他妻子有满满一冰箱的母乳,这个卡车司机把母乳都运来了。His wife had a freezer full of breast milk, and the trucker had offered to make a milk run.

他从圣地亚哥出发,骑自行车走了120英里之后,才搭上一辆卡车走完余下的路程。He had bicycled 120 miles from Santiago before a trucker gave him a ride the rest of the way to the mine.

司机和一名停下来的卡车司机登上大巴,看遇害者是否还活着。Mr Caton, the bus driver and a trucker who had stopped at the scene boarded the vehicle to see if the victim was still alive.

在海哩的汽车旅馆入住之后,这个疲惫的卡车司机穿着他乌黑的衣服摊在床上,打电话给他的妻子。After checking into a motel room in Beaver, the exhausted trucker collapsed on the bed in his sooty clothes and phoned his wife.

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这些芭比瘦削的塑料脖颈上的刺青就像货车司机或是海盗身上的一样,是渗入肌肤的,但和其他真实芭比一般,至少刺青配合粉色的基调。Instead they climb up the doll's skinny plastic neck like on a trucker or pirate -- but, like a true Barbie doll, at least they are pink.

当琼斯,夜间卡车司机基于南安波伊,新泽西,有多于八小时的白天时间睡觉,他的身体也不允许他这样。When Jones, the nighttime trucker based in South Amboy, New Jersey, has a stretch of eight hours in the daytime to sleep, his body won't allow him.

如果美国的每个人都能在地图上保持平衡的话,那么这个正在穿越斯蒂尔维尔大街的卡车司机一度跨立在地心引力的中心。If everyone in the United States were balanced on a map, a trucker crossing Steelville's Main Street would once have straddled the center of gravity.

拉斐特市警察局的马克·弗朗西斯警官表示,本次事故的肇事者名叫威利·爱德华兹,他是休斯顿市爱德华兹运输公司的一名卡车司机,他已因卤莽驾驶而被当地警方传唤。Willie Edwards, a trucker for Edwards Transport of Houston, was cited for reckless driving, said Cpl. Mark Francis of the Lafayette Police Department.

去年,一个卡车司机因为使用假军车牌被处理,他为的就是逃避过路费。Last year, a trucker in East China's Henan Province was caught using fake military license plates to avoid paying tolls along a 110-mile stretch of road.

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的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。J. , bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years — recalls the time she was being "entertained" by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth.

一位不肯透露姓名的卡车驾驶员暗示,最初的规划是坚持罢工至本周一,并补充称,如果驾驶员们的要求得不到餍足,还可能延长罢工。One trucker who asked not to be named said that the original plan was for the strike to last until Monday, adding that it could be extended if drivers' demands were not met.