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你知道它是中国一部分么?Do uno Tibet is a part of Chn ?

对宇野来说,战后那些年也同样痛苦。Just as painful for Mr. Uno were the years after the war.

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我开始在巴吞鲁日的路易斯安那州立大学,但现在我在联合国办事处在新奥尔良。I started at LSU in Baton Rouge but, now I'm at UNO in New Orleans.

OpenOffice开发的基础是UNO组件技术。The cornerstone of OpenOffice development is the UNO component technology.

宇野对此表示赞同,但他说,他找不到合适的语言来和别人分享他的故事,即使是和自己的五个儿子也不行。Mr. Uno agrees, but says he never found the words to share his story, not even with his five sons.

如果你想把帕尔马火腿和南瓜组合成一份真正的意大利小吃,它将花费你很多钱。If you want to assemble an authentic Italian appetizer of prosciutto and melon, it'll cost you uno braccio e una gamba.

2008年,“乌诺”成为首支赢得西敏寺犬展桂冠的比格犬,这相当于犬类赛事中的奥林匹克。In 2008, Uno the beagle became the first of his breed to win the Westminster Dog Show, the canine equivalent of the Olympics.

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而且,“UNO考虑到了后期绑定”,或者将一个软件实体与另一个关联的过程,Parkman说。What's more, "UNO allows for very late binding," or the process of associating one software entity with another, Parkman said.

18岁的本·古拉克是加拿大多伦多人,他把自己这项发明叫做“乌诺”,这个交通工具外观像半个摩托车,其工作原理类似“塞格威”双轮电动车。Ben Gulak, 18, from Toronto, Canada, named his creation the Uno and the vehicle, which looks like half a motorbike, works like a Segway.

目前,公司成为了世界上销量领先的品牌之一,在国内市场取代三星跻身第一位置。The company has become one of the leading handset sellers in the world displacing Samsung in its home market for the numero uno position.

再也听不到你的教诲,对我来说,真是遗憾。对于你为我付出的辛劳,我无以为报,我说一声“老师,你好!”You uno longer hear the teachings, for me, really sorry. I pay for you to the hard work, I thought that was not, I say "teacher, hello! ""

牛皮纸'提供'比萨饼重新设计包装,冷冻比萨饼和其他产品从乌诺食品是比萨饼式后交付盒。Kraft paper 'delivers' pizza Redesigned packaging for refrigerated pizza and other products from Uno Foods is styled after pizza delivery boxes.