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限制你的股份限制。Restrict your share restrictions.

不要拘束她的正当活动。Don't restrict her proper activities.

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可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。Tag ! ine restrict swinging of ! oad.

办法之一是限制细菌“搭便车”。One way is to restrict bacterial traffic.

他说那样的话会束缚他以后的工作。He said that it will restrict his future work.

对于成本敏感的应用有很大限制。It Restrict the application of cost-sensitive.

您需要限制对这些计算机的访问。You need to restrict access to those machines.

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转至一个基准点并限制沿着轴移动。Go to a datum point and restrict moves along axes.

我限定自己每天只抽两支烟。I restrict myself to smoking two cigarettes a day.

一些通气器可以限制流量小于1.0界面。Some aerators can restrict flow to less than 1.0 gpm.

为什么要将这个表限制为每本书只有两个关键字?Why restrict the table to only two keywords per book?

化工产品也受到诸多绿色指令如PFOS、REACH指令的限制。PFOS, REACH directives restrict our chemical products.

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扁桃腺肥大可能会限制孩子的呼吸。Enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children.

加强对用户名的限制,不允许符号和空白符。Restrict usernames by not allowing symbols or whitespace.

为什么我们要限制自己而不能像这些小家伙呢?But why should we restrict such joy just to the little guys?

可以用来限制对用户表的查询。Can be used to restrict queries made against the user table.

另外受他人制约是不可容忍的。Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable.

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这些日子里,他们把工作时间规定在了白天。These days, they restrict their exertions to daylight hours.

国企被要求严格限制股票买卖。State enterprises were told to restrict their share purchases.

最后,日本央行必须将干预措施限制在一天内进行。Finally, the BoJ has to restrict its intervention to one day only.