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可是魔界力量危及天下。But devildom force endangers the world.

欢迎来到魔界,请进吧。Welcome to our devildom. Come in, please.

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就如同魔界一样,他也曾经去过四次元世界。What is going on between the devildom and the earth now.

我们必须培育下一代的魔界领导者才行。We have to bring up leaders for the next generation of devildom.

因为魔王很生气,所以他们必须离开魔界才行。They had to get out of the devildom because Demon Lord was angry.

有一个叫哈特的小男孩,他的父母从事对消失魔界力量的研究。There is a boy called Hat, whose parents have researched the vanished Devildom.

狂战士原本也是人类,但由于大灾变造成的魔界污染,使他们的身体产生了变。Originally human, but the pollution of the devildom have mutated their bodies after apocalypse.

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尽管如此,人类世界,精灵世界,魔界无不为之疯狂,趋之若鹜。All the same, the human kingdom, eidolon kingdom, and devildom were still crazed about it and scrambled for it.

他斩妖除魔,深入魔界获得魔灵,从而拉开了与魔界弘大的战争。His behead bewitching divides demon, thorough devildom obtains evil spirit, pulled open as grand as devildom battle thereby.

魔界的守卫将从人间界来的人类的特征,巨细靡遗地在阎魔手册记下来。The guardian of devildom takes down the detailed features of each human beings that comes up from the earth on his blacklist.

也许因为她们崇拜流淌在体内的红色血液,对于魔界的侵蚀有比较强的耐性。Perhaps because they worship vivo red blood flowing in body, they have relatively stronger resistance against the erosion of the devildom.