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与威拉组成的家庭破裂了。The household with Willa was dissolved.

美国女神维纳·凯瑟出生于1873年12月。Domestic Goddess Willa Cather was born in December of 1873.

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本论文从两个方面对凯瑟的自然观进行了探讨。This article discussed Willa Cather's view of nature from two aspects.

威拉·凯瑟是二十世纪美国著名的小说家。Willa cather is an eminent american fictionist in the twentieth century.

说真的,我们在这里可以看到,从斯托夫人到朱厄特,再到威拉·凯瑟是一脉相承的。Indeed, there is a succession here, from Mrs Stowe to Jewett and then to Willa Cather.

2010年世博会将以绿色为主题在上海举行,无疑,这是焦点聚集的地方。Universal expo 2010 with the theme"green"will hold on shanghai, it willa focusing place.

陈学凰和我都十分感谢她在大连推进IBPC课程的杰出努力。Both Willa Chen and I appreciate her exceptional support in launching the IBPC in Dalian.

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小兔子威拉受到海岸灯塔的启发,她在鸡蛋上画了红色的粗条纹。Inspired by a lighthouse at the seashore, Willa Bunny paints bold red stripes on her egg.

维拉确信这些孩子没干好事,因为他们见她来时撒腿便跑。Willa was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran when they saw her coming.

相似的成长经历造就了她们对土地同样的热爱,并使得亚历山德拉成为威拉。凯瑟土地情结的代言人。It is the same love for land that makes Alexandra Willa Cather's spokesperson of love for land.

乔治·艾略特和薇拉·凯瑟是英语文学史上两位一流的小说家,预示着妇女写作的新时代。George Eliot and Willa Cather were two stellar novelists heralding a new era for woman writing in Anglo-American literature history.

威拉·凯瑟就是一位呼唤生态意识,以绿色之笔谱写了人与自然和谐共处的美国优秀女作家。Willa Cather is an outstanding American writer who works on the expression of theharmony between nature and human to call on human's ecological consciousness.

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凯瑟在这两部作品里所展示的创作才华,向读者呈现了其无意识心理中的人类记忆里的女神原型。In these two novels, Willa Cather focuses her writing talent on the mythical goddesses who reflect her unconscious of myth and archetypes in human beings' memories.

威拉·凯瑟在这两部作品里所展示的创作才华,向读者呈现了其无意识心理中的人类记忆里的女神原型。In these two novels, Willa Cather focuses her writing muscles on the mythical goddesses who reflect her unconscious of myth and archetypes in human beings' memories.

凯瑟西部拓荒小说的代表作,作者立足于美国西部拓荒者的生活经历,刻画出了以安东妮亚为代表几位具有自立自强勇于奋斗精神的新女性形象。Willa cather is the first woman writer in American literary history who devoted herself to the portrayal of the frontier life of pioneers in the middle west America.

第一章,作者首先对有关威拉·凯瑟的文学作品批评研究成果进行综述,然后回顾了她的文学生涯和当时的社会背景。In Chapter 1, the writer makes a literature review on the study of Willa Cather's literary work and introduces her literary life and the social background at that time.

凯瑟西部拓荒小说的代表作,作者立足于美国西部拓荒者的生活经历,刻画出了以安东妮亚为代表几位具有自立自强勇于奋斗精神的新女性形象。Willa Cather was a famous female writer in American literary history who has created a series of pioneering fictions, and O, Pioneers is her first novel which gained her success.

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有些学者论及凯瑟与欧洲移民朝夕相处,乃至她与印第安文明接触的经历,却并未注意到黑人对她的影响。Some scholars comment on Willa Cather's close association with immigrants from Europe, and even her contact with the Indian civilization, but scarcely notice the influence of the black people on her.