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请原谅我的粗拙。Excuse my vulgarity.

芜俚是我们讲话中最寝陋的字眼。It is the opposite of vulgarity.

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他所说的话近乎粗俗。What he said trenched on vulgarity.

我讨厌他的粗鄙了。I disgusted with him at his vulgarity.

他行为粗野,这使他在我们家不受欢迎。His vulgarity made him unwelcome in our home.

俗气就是流露出来的一种下劣性。Vulgarity is a lowness that proclaims itself.

粗俗是我们言语中最丑的一个词。Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language.

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在公共汽车上大声喧哗是一种粗鄙的行为。Talking loudly on a bus is a sign of vulgarity.

奥斯卡奖项的颜面多亏了这种态度上的暧昧。This vulgarity was the saving grace of the Oscars.

这纯粹是未受教育者的一种粗俗说法。It is the uneducated vulgarity of expression at all.

时间限制了艺术家的骄傲和市侩的鄙俗。Time curbed the artist's pride and the philistine's vulgarity.

他们喜欢他专心工作,没有低级趣味。They appreciated his devotion to work and freedom from vulgarity.

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石头让马益群的家显得自然脱俗。Stone lets Ma Yiqun's home appear natural and free from vulgarity.

鄙俗是我们讲话中最寝陋的字眼。Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our lsomegudconsumed of bisexualrth.

戈林子爵正像庸俗只是别人的行为一样。LORD GORING . Just as vulgarity is simply the conduct of other people.

在理论上我们选择有点儿粗俗的头韵来帮助记忆。We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory.

其实,每个时代都不能免俗,都有自己的“低俗”问题。There is no age that is immune from this. Each has a problem with "vulgarity."

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粗俗是我们语言中最丑的一个词。我从事设计就是为了对抗粗俗。Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.

粗俗使我们语言中最丑陋的字眼,我在这场战争中,就是为了对抗它。Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language. I stay in the game to fight it.

奢华并不依存于阔绰和华丽,而是显现在不粗俗之中。And luxury lies not in richness and ornateness but in the absence of vulgarity.