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暴风夜,兆睛天。A blustering night, a fair day.

恐吓地或轻蔑地讲话。To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.

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三月的风经常是粗鲁和狂野的。Rude and blustering the winds of March often are.

他们知道中国人对此表示了很强烈的愤慨。They know that Chinese are blustering about this.

这位矮小的、精明的、盛气凌人的杰拉尔德已经完成这一切。He had done it all, little, hard-headed, blustering Gerald.

狂风穿过大西洋向东北方向吹去。The storm is blustering northeastward across the open Atlantic.

这时才五点半,正是寒气逼人,狂风咆哮的早晨。It was five and a half o'clock now, and a raw, blustering morning.

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苏利文狂暴的性格和有名的神力使他拥有许多的追随者。Sullivan's blustering personality and fabled strength gained him a great following.

不过,一旦中国开始咆哮起来大加指责,就涉藏问题做出让步的可不单单英国一个。But it is far from alone in yielding over Tibet once China starts its thunderous blustering.

穷凶极恶的阿瑞斯是战争之神,而美丽动人的女神阿佛洛狄忒则代表爱和美。The blustering ares was the god of war, and the charming Aphrodite the god dess of love and beauty.

墨索里尼曾狂言道要把法西斯意大利建成第二个罗马帝国。Benito Mussolini talked with blustering grandiosity of building Fascist Italy into a second Roman Empire.

在虚张声势的几次攻击后,国安此役再度暴露出防线不稳的老毛病。After blustering several attacks, country An Ciyi exposes the defense line not steady old malady once again.

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故乡柳荫下的诀别,将军圆睁的怒目,猎猎于朔风中的军旗。Bidding farewell under a willow tree at hometown , a general who was blustering himself into anger , the stand of colors flying against the north wind.

当罗比·威廉姆斯上个星期在英国音乐大奖向绿洲主唱加拉赫宣战的时候,歌迷们以为这只是歌星之间的互相恐吓。When Robbie Williams issued a challenge to Oasis' Liam Gallagher at last week's BRIT Awards, fans thought it wasn't much more than pop-star blustering.

他们知道,中国人民对此表现出了强烈的愤慨。但是我认为,他们知道,这不会真正对两国关系产生严重影响。They know that the Chinese are blustering about this, but I think the calculation is this won't actually impact relations between the two countries severely.

在该系统中,提出了基于神经网络与混沌遗传算法的鼓风参数离线优化决策模型。In this paper, the offline optimization decision model for blustering parameters based on neural networks and chaotic genetic algorithm is discussed at detail.

直升机闪着停船的警示信号在空中盘旋,螺旋桨产生的风压使得海面凹了下去,木船随着左右摇摆。Positioning itself in its path, blades hollowing out the sea below, it hovered, blustering the wooden boat left and right, and flashed warning signals to stop.

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从书中你可以获得无穷无尽的力量,来自于书中的这些精神力量像大海中汹涌澎湃的海浪,一次次接连不断地把你推向智慧的浪尖。You will gain ceaselessly strength from these books. The spiritual strength, like the blustering waves, will successively put you to the top of intelligent wave.

这是一种即使命令仆人或斥责儿女时也从不提高的声音,但也是在塔拉农场人人都随时服从的声音,而她的丈夫的大喊大叫在那里却经常被悄悄地忽略了。It was a voice never raised in command to a servant or reproof to a child but a voice that was obeyed instantly at Tara, where her husband’s blustering and roaring were quietly disregarded.