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以断奏和连奏方式演奏键盘可以得到完全不同的效果。The instrument will behave completely different when played 'staccato' than when played ' legato '.

我们在第五章里描述过,实际上连奏的演奏技巧是为了使这些曲调能一起持续发声。The physical means for holding these melodies together is the legato technique, which was described in chapter five.

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为制造出更适合连唱的连续音,肖邦写出了只有更巧妙自如的指法才能应付的旋律。To develop a more singing legato , Chopin made use of new rhythms which required a more flexible and freer use of the fingers.

这位中场球星与云达不莱梅合同期到2011年,为了更长远的目标去尤文图斯,曼城和皇家马德里是更能实现目标的机会。Sul centrocampista, legato al Werder sino al 2011, da tempo c'è l'interesse della Juventus, del Manchester City e del Real Madrid.

精神、灵感和想象力都与连奏很有关系,除非实际上连奏效果必须通过身体的手段来完成。The mind, inspiration, and imagination have much to do with it, but the actual legato effect must be accomplished by physical means.

其特有的功能是擅长表现热烈奔放、欢快跳跃、奔腾激越、急躁不安等情绪,与线状的长弓及连弓形成鲜明的对比。Its unique function is to express passionate, festival, and unrest emotions, forming strikingly comparison with long bows and legato bows.

英语语流的核心当包含重音等时的节奏、梯级渐降的音高和协调顺滑的连诵。Flowing English speech should stand on awareness and building of coordinated legato enveloping stress timed rhythm and step down of pitches.

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“只要回忆起令人不快的事故场面,就会将女性带回到曾经历过的悲伤和剧痛,”莱加托博士补充道。"Simply remembering an unpleasant incident can bring back the same terrible sadness and agitation to women that they experienced at the time, " adds Dr. Legato.

本文结合了电子管风琴乐器本身的特点,主要针对在演奏过程中较常见的两大类奏法——连音奏法与非连音奏法的应用进行了细致阐述。This paper, combined with the characteristics of electronic organ, describes in detail the legato and non-legato playing methods commonly applied in the process of playing.

你的想法改善了之后,你的免疫系统也会得到改善,你的消化能力会更好,你不需要通过多吃多喝来弥补营养,你的焦虑感就会降低。Legato. 'And as your thinking improves, your immune system improves, your digestion is better, you don't compensate by overeating or drinking, and your anxiety levels go down.

特殊情况下,对于一个好的连音来说是这样的-要吹奏连音非常困难,尤其是当演奏的人必须在呼吸之间轮流交替,运用滑动按钮的时候。In particular, this is true for a good legato – it is really difficult to accomplish, especially when the player has to alternate between blowing and drawing breath and use the slide button.

因为我认为,大多数钢琴世界各地学生被迫奏的实现而强烈紧张的手指和手掌的肌肉说,按说应该有助于物理连接的声音。As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds.

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把节拍器设置为以四分音符为一拍,每分钟50拍的速度,开始做连续练习,以培养舌尖对哨片尖敏感度。Set your metronome at around 50 beats per minute, where each beat is a quarter note. This is a legato exercise, intended to develop sensitivity between the tip of the tongue and the tip of the reed.