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禁酒令于1933年废除。Prohibition was abolished in 1933.

这是对在家同修们说的。The last prohibition is for laypeople.

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公园里禁止摘花。Park in prohibition against defloration.

吸烟和禁止在霍博肯。And the " prohibition " of smoking in Hoboken.

他希望她很快就能把这个禁令取消了。He hoped she would remove that prohibition soon.

感谢禁酒令和与毒品之战。Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs.

那家公司在禁酒期间偷运玉米威士忌。The company bootlegged corn whiskey during Prohibition.

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禁止服食,不要倒入下水道。Prohibition against edibility. Do not empty into drains.

他们在目前为止也对甲酰胺的禁令只字未提。And so far he also doesn't propose any prohibition to Formamide.

禁令带来了一些短期胜利却没有长期成果。Prohibition has brought many short-term wins but no lasting ones.

但是禁令本身也削弱了药品战士们的成果。Yet prohibition itself vitiates the efforts of the drug warriors.

禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.

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很多人认为这种禁止个人选择死亡的做法有些家长作风。Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.

许多人认为这种禁止个人生死权利的做法是家长作风。Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.

禁毒已成为刑事预算中最大的负担。Drug prohibition is the single biggest burden on the criminal-justice budget.

难道“禁止”只能停留在了口头上和书面上,难以起到任何实际的效果吗?Will prohibition be in written or oral form and without any practical effect?

新禁律和旧禁律一样都有至高无上的权威。The same sublime authority is attributed to the new prohibition as to the old.

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现行的禁止政策已经长达50年,要求重新考虑这一政策的人越来越多。Calls for a rethink of the 50-year-old policy of prohibition have been growing.

欧共体对此问题采用的是概括性禁止与广泛的豁免相结合的模式。EU uses the co-existance pattern of general prohibition and extensive exemption.

蒙禁酒令之恩,美国人甚至连想借酒浇愁都不行!Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.