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她参加了第二次和第三次英荷战争。It was used in the second and third Anglo & Dutch War.

请“盎格鲁亲戚们”来帮助他对抗皮克特人。Please "Anglo relatives" to help him fight against Picts.

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随即他又进一步寻求增援,撒克逊族、盎格鲁族与朱特族人纷纷前来。He then seek further support, Saxon race, ethnic and Anglo Zhute people have come to.

丹麦日德兰半岛的盎格鲁萨克孙公元449年入侵不列颠。The Anglo Saxons began invading around 449 AD from the regions of Denmark and Jutland.

英语最初是在公元五世纪入侵英格兰的盎格鲁-撒克逊人利用的。English was first spoken by the anglo –saxous who invaded England in the fifth century.

本文论述英美国俗术语译名的准确性问题。This article discusses the accuracy in translating some Anglo American terms into Chinese.

他的其余大部分篇章都在关注肖恩•菲茨帕特里克的灾难性抵押贷款银行——盎格鲁爱尔兰银行。Much of the rest of his tale concerns Sean Fitzpatrick’s disastrous mortgage bank, Anglo Irish.

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美国已经逐渐失去了全球银行系统的政策制定者的权威了,从G-7的会议中可以看得到这个苗头。Anglo bankers have lost control in global banking politics. The phased out G-7 Meeting is evidence.

马汉是“中国威胁”论与“文明冲突”论最早的炮制者。They believed that China would be the stage for the conflicting Anglo Saxon and Slav civilizations.

盎格鲁爱尔兰银行和爱尔兰全国银行已经完全国有化了,而它们的资产在流出。Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide are already fully state owned and their assets are in run-off.

在克里尔大部分地区,“露天煤矿也受到影响,”英美资源公司称,尽管他们已经建立了应对暴雨的措施。“Opencast mines were affected,” mostly at Kriel, though they are set up to handle heavy downpours, Anglo said.

我被放置于一个异国来的箱子里。“I’m put in some exotic box, ” said Mr. Gilb, who was born in Los Angeles, to a Mexican mother and Anglo father.

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南非采矿聚集英格兰人白金将销售挖掘至关于三百五十亿个兰特的一个交易价值的二个引导黑市的公司。South African mining group Anglo Platinum is to sell mines to two black-led firms in a deal worth about 35 billion Rand.

完全正确。除了盎格鲁-撒克逊人外,战争不会让两国受益。别让西方主宰我们的命运。Absolutely, War will be not beneficial for both countries only for the Anglo Saxon, Don't let the west dictate our destiny.

百事、英美资源集团、淡马锡、卡夫食品、康典公司和阿海珐公司的总裁今年仍占据排行榜前十位。The chief executives of PepsiCo, Anglo American, Temasek, Kraft Foods, WellPoint, and Areva all remain in the Forbes top 10.

林德贝克指出,如果有经济实力,那本质上都是英美式的市场多样化。Mr Lindbeck suggests that, where it does have economic strengths, they are of an essentially Anglo -American, market variety.

艾斯康电力公司最大的煤炭供应商英美资源公司称,克里尔煤矿受暴雨影响严重。Anglo American, one of Eskom's largest coal suppliers, said by e-mail its Kriel colliery has been worst affected by the rains.

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艾斯康电力公司最大的煤炭供应商英美资源公司称,克里尔煤矿受暴雨影响严重。Anglo American, one of Eskom’s largest coal suppliers, said by e-mail its Kriel colliery has been worst affected by the rains.

有消息称,陷进困境的盎格鲁-爱尔兰银行将被分拆成“好”银行和“坏”银行,导致市场丧失对爱尔兰债券的信心。Sentiment toward Irish debt soured after news that the beleaguered Anglo Irish Bank would be split into a "good" and "bad" bank.

我们不知道如何缩小英美和亚洲学生,黑人和拉美裔学生在阅读,科学和数学方面的差距。We do not know how to close the gap in reading, science and math between Anglo and Asian students and black and Hispanic students.