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这能说明两代间的平等吗?Does this account for intergenerational equity ?

青少年健康也有代际影响。The health of adolescents also has an intergenerational effect.

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我们可以用一套真正跨辈份的活动拓展这个地方。This place can be developed with one real intergenerational program.

也没有迹象显示会发生90年代预言的代间战争。Nor is there any sign of the intergenerational warfare predicted in the 1990s.

民营企业家的代际传承是一大民生问题。Private entrepreneur intergenerational succession is one of the livelihood problems.

养老金体系通过两代间分担风险而促进福利事业。The pension system contributes to welfare through the intergenerational sharing of risks.

他是一个探索的3000名妇女的代际影响,菲律宾队的一部分。He is part of a team exploring intergenerational effects in 3000 women in the Philippines.

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第二支柱的附加值首先是建立在两代间的风险分担上吗?Is the value added of the second pillar not found above all in intergenerational risk sharing?

四是代内的市场竞争加剧了代际间的矛盾。Last but not the least, the mid-generational market-competition worsens the intergenerational justice.

计划没有正确的针对跨代冲突的根源使得冲突依旧持续。Nor do the programs target the roots of intergenerational violence that will long outlast the active fighting.

代际心理遗传和跨代心理遗传之间的一个重要区别已经得以证实。An important distinction has been demonstrated between intergenerational and transgenerational psychic transmission.

蕴含在可持续发展观中的一个重要问题是代际公平问题。An important problem which lies in the sustainable-development- viewpoint, is a problem of intergenerational justice.

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人们普遍承担的环境保护义务才是代际公平理论的正确出路和归宿。The generally assumed environmental obligations are the right way and the end result of the theory of intergenerational equity.

在控制了家庭和个人的不可观测贡献后,代际影响下降到原来的三分之一到四分之一。After controlling for individual and family unobservable attributes, the intergenerational impact is three to four times smaller.

相反,奥默罗德的全彩绘画,盛产一个充满爱心的两代人家庭的温暖和公平地从网页爆裂。Instead, Ormerod's full-color paintings teem with the warmth of a loving intergenerational family and fairly burst from the pages.

事实上,在我家庭中和共济会上层的两代间的联系也没什么帮助。The fact that there's been an intergenerational link with the higher ranks of Freemasonry in my family hasn't been of help either.

鉴于农业在我国的重要地位,研究农村代际公平问题具有重大意义。As an important position of agriculture in our country, there is great significance in studying rural intergenerational impartiality.

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本文使用世代会计法对台湾的跨世代财政负担情况做一初步探讨。This paper employs the generational accounting approach to assess the intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.

结果显示,台湾目前的财政政策确实会造成跨世代及男女财政负担不平衡。The results reveal that current fiscal policy definitely will result in intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.

同时,愤愤不平的老学者和雇佣文人预测,我们正面临一场类似上世纪30年代的萧条、更多的骚乱以及代间战争。Meanwhile, bitter old academics and hacks predict that we are facing a depression like the 1930s, more riots and intergenerational warfare.