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序曲还是交响诗?。Overture or symphonic poem?

这是对俄罗斯人的序曲。This is an overture to the Russians.

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这个工具厂不同序曲工具。This tool works differently from the overture tool.

这章节只是引子,接下来的才是电影的看点。This chapter is only overture. Thenext is the flower of the film.

四个月前才成立的“序曲影业公司”计划采用相同的策略。Overture Films, a four-month-old studio, plans to follow a similar strategy.

这里罗西尼在这部歌剧的序曲中用了这个模式。So let's listen to a pattern that Rossini is using here in this opera overture.

这时,乐队指挥把小提琴的弓子一举,乐队就奏起序曲来。Meanwhile the conductor lifted his violin bow and the orchestra attacked the overture.

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奥巴马总统在讲话伊始向共和党人承诺,将解决医疗事故诉讼。The president pledged to tackle medical-malpractice lawsuits in an overture to Republicans.

四周有细碎的敲打声,仿佛空气是被绷紧的琴弦,随时为即将发生的事奏响序曲。There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practiced for an overture.

从四面八方隐隐传来轻轻的弹拨声,仿佛有人给空气装上了弦,正拿来练习一支序曲。There was a faint thrumming all around, as if the air were being strung and practised for an overture.

序曲影业表示,摩尔还在忙着制作这部纪录片,但具体故事情节依然只有摩尔自己知道。Overture said Moore was still working on the film, and was keeping plot details close to his vest in typical fashion.

然后,还须手持酒杯与提议干杯者对视一下,这一过程方告结束。Then, repay a beard change hands to hold wine cup and overture to toast vs general view once, this course square tells end.

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恩尼斯在隔壁厨房整理东西,口里吹着口哨,赛蒙听出那是罗西尼序曲的一小段。Ernest was clattering next door in the kitchen, whistling a few bars of music that Simon recognized as part of a Rossini overture.

5月22日,1899年,作曲家进行的序曲“模法院在维也纳歌剧院第一次也是唯一一次蝙蝠”。On May 22, 1899, the composer conducted the overture to "Die Fledermaus" for the first and only time at the Vienna Court Opera House.

巴拉迪敦促伊朗对华盛顿的建议作出回应,并且他说希望两国之间的对话能尽快开始。ElBaradei urged Iran to respond to Washington's overture and said he hopes a dialogue between the two countries can begin as soon as possible.

然后成立一个序曲或户口谷歌语言学、你认为你的目标市场相对提供您产品或服务的网站。Before setting up an account in Overture or Adwords, consider your target market relative to your product or service being offered on your website.

现在回顾起来,不难看出约翰逊的行为反映了体育界作弊的新趋势,并且是后来发生的一连串兴奋剂事件的开端。Looking back now, it is easy to regard Johnson’s malpractice as a new arena for cheating in sport and the overture to further drug stories to come.

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如果让哭泣占据了离别的主题,那么离别序曲将充满了悲泣,让欢笑来我们送行吧这才是我们真正的情谊。If cry occupies the themes of separation, then bid farewell to the overture will be full of weeping, let a laugh to see us off the is our true friendship.

第一部分阐述恢复高考白勺背景,是全文白勺引子,重点介绍关键性人物在恢复高考过程中白勺重要作用。The first part is the overture of this dissertation which introduced the key figures who play the important role in the restore of college entrance examination.

但是平壤在新年元旦社论中没有依惯例抨击美国,分析家认为这是对美国新领导人的一个主动的信号。But Pyongyang refrained from its routine criticism of the U.S. in its New Year's Day statement in what analysts said was an overture to the incoming U.S. leader.